Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Philadelphia Flower Show

I was browsing thorough my photo folders and came across these photos I took at the Philadelphia Flower show back in 2006.
They make me smile ~ I needed a little of that right about now!

Meet the four flower sisters.
Click on the photos to enlarge.

This is where they live.


  1. Hi Marie,I am catching up on your blog...so sorry you had to make a trip to the hospital,but very happy to know,that it wasn't your heart.....thanks for sharing these beautiful,and whimsy pictures of the flower show. I think I might like to go to a flower show some time....I've never been to one!
    My DIL gets the baby rash everytime she expecting. It is horrible and drives her crazy,nothing will relieve it ,but the baby's birth....I can't wait to see a picture of your new little GRAND when she arrives...I pray all goes well.....


  2. Glad to hear you're doing ok! You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    And I LOVE these pictures. You make me want to take my camera out and play.

    Off to plan my escape from work....

  3. Philly does have one of the best flower shows in the country. Your pictures were a fond reminder.

  4. Oh, that little cottage is gorgeous Marie! Thanks for sharing your photos - they have made me smile too!

  5. Marie, I just read about your being in the hospital. No fun is it. :-( But glad you're ok. Do pamper yourself a little bit if you can!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!