Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Birthday & Babies

Charlotte got a new swimming pool, swimsuit, beach towel, etc. from her Momma & Daddy for her birthday. Here she is taking a "dry run" in the pool.

Here's Miss Penelope getting a little attention from her great-gramma. My mom had a wonderful time with her new great-grandchildren.

Here's my sweet boy Elijah. He's enjoying a dip in the new pool ~ check out his new stars & stripes swimsuit!

One more peek at the birthday girl enjoying her special tie-dye cake ~ YUM!


  1. I bet that pool will see many adventures this summer! :)

  2. Elijah really seemed to enjoy the pool!

  3. The picture of Charlotte and her cake is priceless! I would love to splash around with the kidlings...the pools are super duper. And Charlotte's shirt and "crocs" are adorable. What a fun time you must have had at the birthday!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!