Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Gramma's Blessings

Elijah visited me last Saturday ~ doesn't it look like he's pondering something? He looks so adorable in overalls!

Charlotte & Penelope looked so cute in their matching outfits! We stopped at Arbys for lunch after church on Sunday. Not your typical Mother's Day lunch spot ~ but my mom and I really like the Reuben sandwiches there!


  1. Elijah is such a cutie! I am glad to hear you had a nice Mother's Day. Ours was quiet here but I did get to see my oldest son and the grandbaby on Saturday. They make me so proud to be their mom and grandma.

    Take Care,

  2. Elijah's thinking about all the mischief he could get into once he got done eating. ;-)

    I love the matching outfits and Charlotte looks so much older with that bow in her hair. She's really starting to look like a lil toddler.

  3. Hi Marie,all your grandbabies are just beautiful. Did Elijah get his first haircut? Penelope is really growing...I love the girls little sweet!
    To comment on your post about the "Monkeys". I remember them very well...and guess what Mickey was my favorite...(Smile)


  4. Your grandbabies are so adorable! Isn't being a grandma just the best?

  5. Oh, they are all so cute Marie!! I just want to squeeze those cute little chubby arms!!! We call our youngest "Squidge" because of his cute little squidgey arms!!! Although, as he gets bigger they are disappearing......


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!