Monday, May 4, 2009

Random Monday Memories

Remember these?

I had one of them and I bet you did too! I made tons of potholders ~ my mom can attest to that. My daughters had one too. They made tons of potholders too ~ I can attest to that!
They were really nice potholders. Easy to make, easy to use and easy to look at!
There are some fun colors available (individually) here.
I think I might need to get myself another loom and make a ton of them......


  1. Are you sure we didn't grow up together? We had all the same things! And of course our Mom's and Grandmother's were thrilled when we'd present them yet another pot holder for their collection!!!!
    Thanks for a great chuckle Marie!

  2. Oh yeah, I remember those. Yes, lots of potholders... Then I graduated to doilies by weaving yarn on them. I haven't thought about that in years. Fun times.

  3. I so remember these!!! I used to love to do them with my cousins and then we would go around their neighborhood selling them!!:0) Thanks for the memories Marie!~Wendy

  4. I remember many an afternoon spent looming. I felt so creative, and I just *knew* I was a big girl because I did it all by myself. (Even if I had to ask my Dad for reminders on how to tie them off more than once. lol!)


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