Monday, June 15, 2009

300th Post Giveaway

Update ~ 6/19 12:30am EST ~ the giveaway is closed.

I know I just had a giveaway ~ but yesterday was a great day and I need to share my happiness with others!
Yesterday was the 300th post on my blog ~ it was also Flag day ~ AND it was my birthday ~ plenty of reasons to celebrate!
I truly enjoy the creative outlet this blog has become and I have loved having a place to share my thoughts, my faith, happenings in my life, and most of all my grandbabies (okay their parents too!) with others...especially my family in Michigan and friends that I don't see often enough. It's a connection that's comforting to have.

The land of blog is filled with wonderful places to visit ~ places I might otherwise never see and places "right around the corner" that I never knew existed. It's filled with a wealth of incredible creativity. I'm inspired everyday. There are so many other blogs out there! Written by some really wonderful and very talented people ~ more about some of my favorites on my 7/2/09 blogaversary post.

Having a blog has also been a learning experience as far as the computer & programs go. I know a teeny bit about HTML that I didn't know before ~ but I still need Kevin's help for most things. It's fun to try and figure things out and there are some great blogs that help me when I can't. I've always loved taking photos and having a place to put them has made me want to take better ones. But, in the meantime, I've discovered ways to make my not so great photos look a little bit better!
Anyway ~ enough of that. To celebrate my 300th post AND Flag Day AND my birthday I'd like to have this GIVEAWAY:

This is a postcard size piece of art that I made. The red border isn't part of the piece, it's just the background of the scan that I did.

Here's a photo of the art card along with a few other goodies.

Uncle Sam is standing on a little box ~ perfect for hiding a tiny trinket in. The winner will also receive a mustard gold metal star, a love magnet and a little patchwork heart.

A comment on this post gives you one chance to win. If you'd like a second chance to win please share something you love about blogging. If you'd like THREE more chances to win ~ for a total of FIVE ~ please mention my giveaway on your blog. This is open to everyone. No matter where you live. No matter if you've won a giveaway from me before. I just really like giving things to people....I really do! I'll pick a winner on Friday, June 19th!


  1. Oh I love that! Your little post card is greet. I love that is it not overdone.
    I am extremely short of patriotic decor. =0)

    and Happy birthday!!!

    Look forward to the 19th!

    Barbara Jean

    Be sure to check out my little giveaway.

  2. Hard to share one thing i love about blogging.

    The greatest part is the friends you make.
    All are so encouraging and helpful.
    And there are so many wonderfully creative people out there who are so open to sharing their ideas.

    Blessings to all you bloggers out here, and thanks for just being you!!

    Barbara Jean

  3. Me again.
    I really want to win, so i posted your giveaway on my blog for 3 more entrees.

    Barbara jean

  4. Love your giveaway! I am redoing my basement in America and it will go wonderful with it! I love blogging because I have enjoyed all the wonderful people I have met! have a blessed day!

  5. Happy birthday to you! You're giving away a wonderful collection of goodies! Thanks for entering my name in the giveaway drawing.


  6. I love having a blog and meeting all the new people/friends. I don't know what I would do without you all.

    Please enter me in your patriotic giveaway. I love it!

    Take Care,

  7. I really love sharing what I know about my craft with others. So to that end I write tutorials! Lyn G

  8. Oh Happy Birthday Marie! And congrats on your milestone post! Way to go!

    You don't need to enter me (although your goodies are really beautiful! Just a little too Americana for this Canadian gal!) I just wanted to be sure to say Hello!

    Have a fantastic Monday!

  9. Marie, this is perfect! The postcard and the music together - just right! And I'll bet you had fun and we'll be seeing more, right?

    Happy belated flag day! I forgot all about it until we took a drive through a small town the other day and it was lined with the good old red white and blue!


  10. Hi Marie,I agree with everything you said about blogging. It's been wonderful for me as well. Mostly because I have met such lovely friends,like you! I never get tired of visiting you. I enjoy each time I come.
    Have a blessed week,Shelley

  11. Oh what a lovely set of gifts you are giving away! Congrats on your 300th comments left for your wonderful blog. Way to go!!

  12. Happy 300th Post sweet Marie!!!! And Happy Birthday as well....Your artwork is just beautiful ~ I would love to be entered into your contest....What to I love about blogging? KINDRED precious blog friends, I have met some of the most amazing people on my blogging journey!! love and hugs, Dawn

  13. I would LOVE to be entered into
    your give away!! It is also a JOY to find your lovely blog!!!

    Many Blessings~ Jen

    I am new to your blog and I really like it. The 4th of July and flag day and veterans day and memorial day mean a lot to me....My daughter was born 7/06/1976....Bicentinal grandmother and mother always ran a firecracker was huge....over 19 years they ran this firecracker stand....While I was pregnant with my only daughter...granddad died in Jan. 1976 and grandmother died on my birthday, May 10, 1976....they were never able to meet Amy, their great granddaughter, but grandmother said she would be a sister had a boy in August 1976.....I keep a red, white and blue patriotic christmas tree up all year.....anything like your beautiful collage just makes me feel warm in side and joyful.
    I blog for the be a be a listener and to pray for those in need as I know they will pray for me and my daughter and family..
    I blog to hear people talk about their memories even if it is happy but sad like mine.
    I blog to travel...I can go from my state of oklahoma to maine to korea to germany and paris all in an hours time and have very little jet
    blessings and birthday wishes to you

  15. Congratulations on your 300th post and Happy Birthday!

    Please enter me in your giveaway. I love the items and that postcard is so cute.

    Thank you,

  16. Congratulations on your 300th post and Happy Birthday, Marie! My dad's birthday was Flag Day, too. I have really enjoyed blogging, too, but like you, I am still learning and often require help. So many bloggers are so generous with helping. Every day holds something new in Blogland!

  17. Happy Birthday Marie and Congrats on your 300th post. I came here from Diane's Musings. So enjoyed my visit and your wonderful art work. Your giveaway is delightful and I love your patriotic creation. What a talent you are.

    Blessings for many more happy days of blogging.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  18. Your postcard is absolutely gorgeous! I love the vintage look of your items. Glad I found your blog and will be checking back often.

    What I like about blogging is the feedback you get through the comments. Such kind gestures on the part of total strangers is simply amazing to me.

    Take Care - Robin

  19. Hi Marie,
    So glad I didn't miss this one. It's been a crazy past week. But oooo...count me in. I love it all! AND Happy Birthday. Does that make you a Gemini? They say Gemini's make very good friends. : ) I hope you had a happy one.
