Friday, July 24, 2009

Bill & His Dad Go Shopping

Bill and his Dad went to Lowes on Wednesday and picked up our Laundry Tower ~ that's it in the middle. It's perfect. I can't wait to start putting things away now.

My father-in-law wasn't quite sure what he thought of it. I told him the drawers will be great for storing laundry and cleaning supplies. They're huge and they'll hold a bunch! He said that there's a perfectly good ledge to the left of the dryer and we could just pile stuff there. I told him that would look "ugly" ~ he said no one looks at or cares about the laundry room ~ I gave up trying to explain!

Here he is checking out the new addition to the laundry room. Notice anything unusual about him in this picture? He bought something new at Costco today. Bet you can't tell what he bought! His first pair of blue jeans!

He wanted to keep all the labels on until he decided if he liked them. Have you ever seen such a huge size label!?

I think he liked them!


  1. I have never heard of a laundry tower until now but I think it is a great idea! love your FIL's new jeans too! Hee Hee!

  2. It is such a pretty laundry room! Coming along nicely!

    Your FIL is mighty cute too!

  3. I never saw a laundry tower beofre-how clever....and neatly organized. Great idea!
    I cracked up over the jeans story-too cute that these are your FIL's first pair. Great post Marie!

  4. THe laundry tower is neat. Wish I had space for one. The FIL looks so cute in his new pants.

  5. I never knew there was such a thing as a laundry tower. Now I want to get one! Thanks for the info and I hope you enjoy yours. Ree
    P.S. Your FIL is sure cute! Tell him I said so!

  6. Wow, your laundry room and tower are beautiful. Your father-in-law checking everything out and keeping those labels on until he decides he likes his jeans is precious. So wonderful your husband is truly enjoying time with his father and respecting the time to take care of his needs and enjoy it too (kudos to you too for supporting him!). Found you through your comment to Karen.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!