Thursday, July 2, 2009

God Is Your Shelter

sheltering tree

What do you do when you're hurting?
Do you run?
Do you hide?
Do you ball up inside?

Or, do you run to the One who can shelter you?
The One who longs to take away your blue?
The One who promises to carry you?
The One who can make you all brand-new?

When you're lonely, and long for SOMEONE.
Snuggle up in the arms of the heavenly ONE.
He's waiting for you, to heal your hurt.
Run to Him.
Just run to Him.
Pour your heart out to Him.
He's your forever friend, your God, your Love.

Breathe Him in.............ahhhh. (Now, do it again.)

Thank you God for Jesus, your Son.
He's the healer of all things broken. Indeed.

By Melissa at

Melissa and I swapped some goodies not too long ago ~ I read this on her blog the other day and asked if I could share it on mine. I think it's a sweet reminder to just
"Breath Him in...."

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Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!