Friday, September 25, 2009

Harvest Swap

I recently participated in a Harvest Swap and I wanted to share a peek at the goodies I received from Natalie at

Such a sweet batch of harvest blessings! I especially love the prim little pumpkin and the raggedy girl!
Thanks Natalie ~ and thank you to Char at The Pickled Pepper Patch for organizing the swap!


  1. What great gifties, Marie! They couldn't have gone to a nicer gal!Have a great weekend! Kimberly

  2. What a nice swap! You received some great goodies there. I so want to start decorating for fall. It may have to wait though because I am babysitting Jaygen this weekend. He is going to be my test study for my psychology paper I need to write too! :)

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  3. I'm glad the package made it to you safely...and thanks for adding a link back to me. I enjoyed being your swap partner. Have a great weekend! ~Natalie

  4. Lucky Ducky girl for sure. One day I'm gonna swap something...goodness knows, I have enough gnomes to share with the world and then some, the moon and stars too!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!