Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wonder of Wonders!

Will wonders never cease! I had an opportunity to work on a few projects last Saturday ~ I didn't "finish" anything but I did make some progress. Good thing ~ I have two craft shows coming up in about six weeks. Both the same weekend too!
I got some styrofoam balls covered with muslin, mittens cut from cotton batting and a few words stitched for picture frames.

I also made some little wire bird nests complete with pearl eggs. I love making these but I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them yet. Maybe pins or necklaces....

I didn't get any boxes covered but I did pick out some fabric to cover them with. That's a step in the right direction!

Speaking of about these three!


  1. You certainly were busy. I like how you made the little birds nest. I remember doing craft shows with my mom when she was alive and we always had a great time. Watching you and others get ready for them make me want to do them again. Now I just have to find the time to create! :)

    Take Care,

  2. Oh Marie, your grandbabies are all so precious!!! I know they are your heart ~ and look at you girl, making those goodies like crazy!!! I hope you sell each and every one....the nests are so beautiful!!! hugs and love, Dawn

  3. Hi marie! I'm back from vacation and trying to catch up. I go away for a few days and look at how the munchkins have grown!!!!! Penelope on the bench is looking very pleased with herself! Charlotte is enjoying....looks like some pasta and Elijah is more handsome than ever!
    I love what you're making for your craft shows. My 2 are 11/7 and 11/14. I thought I'd come back rarin' to go but instead I'm kind of flattened with a bug! Rats!
    How was your trip? Was it beastly hot in DW? It was at the Outer Banks.

  4. Good to hear you were able to get work done for your craft shows.

    But I most enjoyed seeing those precious little faces!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!