Thursday, October 15, 2009

Diet Coke & Chicken & Ketchup

I made the Cola Chicken for dinner and it was YUMMY! I shredded half the chicken and Bill and I ate it on buns. My father-in-law just cut his up. He loved it because it was so moist. I loved it because it was (in my book) a success!

I attend Weight Watchers and at my meeting this week the leader shared some recipes. She raved about this one!! I haven't tried it yet but I'm going to soon...maybe tonight.
Has anyone else tried it?

20 oz. Skinless, Boneless Chicken Breasts

1 Cup Ketchup
1 (12 oz.) Can of Diet Coke

Put chicken in a non-stick skillet. Pour ketchup and diet cola over the chicken. Turn heat to medium high and cook chicken for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally. Cover, reduce heat to simmer and cook another 15-20 minutes. Remove lid, and cook until sauce thickens and sticks to chicken. Sauce will taste like BBQ and the chicken is very tender.
Serving suggestions:
* with cole slaw, a pickle & a couple crackers*
*shredded chicken on a bun or tortilla shell with a side salad*
*add fresh veggies to it during the last cooking phase and serve as a stew*


  1. Ha....what a great laugh for the morning. The first words of your post made me smile big...and then of course, I saw the jist of it. No, I have never heard of this until I met you! Smile!

  2. Hi Marie,
    I have never tried this but I bet it is good! I always hear that pop makes the chicken tender. I would be tempted to use chili sauce instead. I hope you are doing well!


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