Friday, October 9, 2009

My Heart Hurts

Someone I love very much is unhappy right now ~ and I don't know what to do.

Actually I know what to do ~ PRAY.

What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?
George Eliot

I want to fix things ~ but for now I'm trusting God and asking Him to make it less difficult......


  1. Dear Marie,I am so sorry a loved one is in pain. I know what it is like to carry the burden,as well. I have said a most sincere prayer that God's will be done and he will fix things...he is able. I know as a mother,grandmother or friend, hurts to want to fix what is broken but,so many, many times that can't be accomplished by our hands but,there is peace in knowing our Father can and will take care if we can but trust him to do so......I pray things will be better very soon for your loved one...blessings

  2. Oh, I'm praying for your situation too, Marie! God is good and he can fix this!

  3. It can be difficult when someone we love is hurting but prayer is a good response. This is their journey and perhaps there is a lesson in the sadness that needs to be seen.

  4. Marie, It is so hard to watch others suffer, I will pray for them but also for you so you can stay a strong and happy light for them.


  5. Years ago a women sent in a poem to Mary Engelbreites Home Companion magazine about all the tears we can catch in a jar. It makes me think today of all the tears we shed, they could never be held in a jar, only God can hold those tears. He hears every prayer and catches every tear. Praying for your loved one this October morning.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!