Monday, October 5, 2009

Random Monday Memories ~ 1983

This is Kevin in Kindergarten.
This memory is about Kevin's favorite dinner when he was in Kindergarten.
It appeared in the wonderful recipe book I received from him for Mother's Day 1983.
The name of the book was "Cooking Up A Storm". I came across the book this past week and shared it with Kevin and Joe while they were helping me move some furniture and boxes around Saturday evening. (Thanks guys!) They thought the book was hysterical and promptly decided to share it with Katie, Mandy, Johanna and Jacqi. The laughter from my living room was amazing.
"Little children perceive the world so uniquely...."
That's part of what it said in my recipe book. That was quite an understatement.

They read through the recipes (all 79 of them) for about an hour...laughing the whole time!
One of their favorites (I know this because it was read at least three times!) was:
Hot Chocolate
1 pot of milk from bottles
3 tsp of chocolate powder from a can
Put the milk and chocolate in a pan on the stove and cook it for 5 minutes.
When it's finished, pour it in a cup and put marshmallows on top and drink it.
You could also add beer for flavor.
Eat it with a carrot.

Kevin is in the upper right corner.

~ The recipe book also said ~

"Cherish this genuine, sincere attempt by your child to say Happy Mother's day, I Love You! It is the beauty and innocence of childhood."
I do & it is.

Happy Cooking!


  1. These are priceless! Kids really do say the darndest things! Have a happy Monday Marie! You've brought a smile to my face!

  2. Hi Marie,
    Just catching up after my trip. It's always a pleasure to come over here and get my smile for the day. This was a precious post. I LOVED reading it. If Kevin got this recipe from his mom, you have a VERY interesting way of making spaghetti. Ha! Thanks for the 'Brian's apple brownies'. Already cut and pasted it into my documents. And your tin swap was wonderful---great partner there.
    Take care,

  3. This was so cute! How much fun for all of your important people to sit around laughing together!

  4. Hey Marie, I'll take a hot chocolate to go, and hold the carrots!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!