Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It was 50% off!

When I got home from shopping last Saturday my father-in-law asked me why I was buying Christmas stuff when it was just about time to put it all away. First of all, it's not just about time to put it all away ~ I leave most of my decoratons out and about for another three weeks or so. The tree will come down, but that's about all! I have been known to tuck a brand new ornament in the branches of the tree one day and take the tree down the next. Secondly ~ c'mon, it's 50% off! And in a couple days or so it will be 75% off!!
How can I not buy it!!?
He just shakes his head at me and walks away! I think he walks away so quickly because he doesn't want me to see him laughing (at me)!

I did find some great things~ but I took along a discerning eye and chose my bargains with great care and a definite eye for the future. I'm trying to be good! I found about 1/2 dozen rolls of paper and a few soft ornaments to hang alongside the plastic ones next year. My three favorite purchases are pictured below. The first two are from Target and the last one is from HomeGoods. Two of my favorite stores (I also love Kohls!).
Isn't this an adorable tea set!! It's a service for four! So, of course, it's perfect for C & P & E & ME!! My little elves look like they're wishing it belonged to them!
This is my favorite purchase ~ I bought two of these spice racks. One for me and one for Johanna (Elijah's momma). They're spice racks now ~ but pretty soon mine will be holding glitter and buttons and what not. Johanna plans on sorting out her buttons by color and putting them in the tubes ~ sounds cute!! I'll post pictures as soon as we finish one!
I spotted this silvery tree at HomeGoods before Christmas
....probably about two weeks before....
I didn't want to pay the $16.00 price tag ~ but 50% off made me happy ~ so now it belongs to me! I think it looks pretty on this table but I have an even better spot for it. Watch and see.......


  1. I love all of your bargains. We have been snowed in...still. But plan to get out today. We are going to take my 89 year old mother shopping...Call us crazy, I know!

    Have a terrific Tuesday ~Natalie

  2. There is nothing as good as shopping the after Christmas sales! I had hoped to go but it looks like I may be lucky to go after New Years. I hate waiting on checks! lol I can't wait to see what you do with the spice rack. What will you do with the spices?

    Take Care,

  3. I love finding great buys after C'mas. It's so rewarding! Looks like you got some great buys. I love the spice rack. You're right, those viles will be perfect for glitter.

    Wished I'd gotten out sooner. I really do need wrapping paper for next year too, but I didn't get out of the house until yesterday and the places I stopped at were cleaned out. Oh well.

    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Such wonderful treasures Marie!!! And the spice rack I'm in LOVE with! What a fab idea girl ~ can't wait to see it filled with your treasures....xxoo, Dawn

  5. Oh man,I am loving that fun little tea set...I was out yesterday and found nothing(other than some new PJ's) at Walmart or Walgreens....now,I am wanting to head to Target and see if I can find one of those tea sets....like I really need it....smile....you will have much fun sharing that with your little ones......blessings

  6. I don't blame you. I'm going out tomorrow to check to see what is left. I usually pick up my wrapping paper for the next year. Have a Happy New Year!

  7. Oh goodness look at that cute tea set. It's so awesome. I LOVE that! I have found three gnome cups out thrifting in the last couple of days. Couldn't believe they popped up in my pathway. Life is often like that. I call it God tapping me on the shoulder letting me know he loves me.
    I'm really excited for 2010! I think it's going to be a better year for all. I'm hoping and praying!

  8. LOL! Some guys just don't understand that ya gotta get the sale stuff while the gettin's good!
    Next year before Christmas you'd pay full price!

    You did good, Marie! By the time I got to Jo-Anns the other day Christmas stuff was really picked over but they had 40% off all jewelry supplies so I stocked up on beads!

    Happy New Year!


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Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!