Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Love Their Visits!

"Our greatest blessings call us
Gramma & Grandpa"

At least they will when they can talk!
We are so fortunate to have them all so near to us.


  1. I know how you feel Marie. It melts my heart everytime I hear Jaygen call me MawMaw... :)


  2. In our case it's Papa and Bam (Charlie can't quite get Gram yet) Always love to see these cherub faces! xoxo (I'm struggling to catch up!)

  3. Hi Marie,
    You ARE so, so lucky to have them so close. One of mine is now in London. I’ve been very busy the last few days getting their Christmas packages ready to send off and have neglected Blogland. But thank you so much for the beautiful crosstitch. I’m so excited to have won it.
    Thank you for your sweet words over at my place this morning. They made me smile. : ) And last…I LOVED looking at all the lovely place settings at your Women’s Luncheon. My goodness, a lot of work and love went into making that happen. Thanks so much for sharing all of it with us.
    I’ll run over next to leave you my address. Thanks again, Marie!
    Mary Lou


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!