Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Winner Is....


Dixie said...
"what a sweet trio! count me in the drawing & I'll put your giveaway on my sidebar today!"
Dec 16, 2009 9:45:00 AM

Hey Dixie! Please email your address to me.

Oh and thanks for mentioning It's A Wonderful Life on your blog last Friday. I think I'll watch it tonight ~ I need a reminder about how wonderful it is after spending about five hours shoveling snow over the past 24 hours! : )

Thank you to all who entered my giveaway ~ so many new visitors! I haven't visited everyone yet, but I will. My final Tuesday giveaway will be on......TUESDAY! That's Dec. come back and visit.


  1. Congratulations Dixie!

    I love the ornaments Marie. I have similar ones around here of the boys but with all the moving I haven't found them yet. I need to get organized in 2010!

    How is that snow?


  2. Sweet Ornaments... I remember having some similar when my girls were little... they're all grown up now with kiddos of their own...

    Me! The Winner! Now I'm the lucky one today... watching "It's A Wonderful Life" tonight with my poodles and my sweetie...

    Christmas Blessings! Dixie

  3. ps... I forgot to tell you... I've collected Teddy Bears for almost 50-years... this one will be a treasured addition. thank you!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!