Sunday, January 31, 2010

I Need A Little Rest

I felt fine yesterday ~ shopping and lunch with friends even in the midst of a snowstorm!! The light dusting that was forecast turned out to be several inches of fluffy snow.
In spite of that ~ we had a great time. We always do! Our shopping trip ended a little earlier than we planned because the roads were pretty bad. I headed home, made dinner, did a little cleaning and I felt fine ~ until about 9pm.
It's been all downhill since then.
Stuffy nose
Itchy throat
Body aches
Watery eyes
And I'm just plain tired.......

I hope your week is starting off better than mine.
I'm going to get another cup of tea and then off to sleep for me! I'll be back when I feel better...


  1. Sure hope you feel better soon- at least you got to have your time out for fun BEFORE you got sick!


  2. Oh, Dear Marie, please rest well and feel better soon!

  3. Marie , so sorry you are not well -- too much sickness here last week also !!
    I realized after posting your box . I forgot to make pics -- for the sneak peek --sorry --
    or to even post on my blog -- lol--
    Get well quick - prayers sent your way - Kathy - ga ♥


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!