Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sweet Treats for My Sweets

This year I have three little Valentines to give goodies to ~ and look at the fun treats I picked up for them at Michael's today ~ in the $ section!! They're BUBBLES!

These babies love bubbles!!

"Gramma! I'm not a baby....I'm 2 now!!

"Too busy right now!"

"Why can't they just let me sleep?"


  1. Jaygen loves bubbles too! Its too bad I wear out before the bubbles do. *laughing* Your post reminded me I best get busy to put together something for my little man.


  2. Treat box on the way to you. Must keep you hangin' out the wash. Been gone for a couple of days but I'm with you. God connects us, and never lets us go. Heavy work schedule right now. I'd love you to join my grab bag give-away...Queens in Training!

  3. Sweet pictures..babies and bubbles...they just go together ...don't they? I see my dear friend Jackie has a box on the way for you so deserve to be showered with goodness.....blessings

  4. I need to get to Michael's fast! I have some of those bubble containers that I put out for decoration during the summer months. I have chocolate and vanilla, didn't know they came in strawberry and mint too! Your grand babies are adorable! So sweet, I am sure your cherish spending time with them.

  5. Oh Marie, they have grown soooo much. And so very sweet. You're right, babies and bubbles just go together.

    Smiles, Lea


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!