Saturday, February 6, 2010

Pretty Snow

Here's several photos from my backyard. They were taken between 5:00 & 6:00 PM Friday night. I walked around in the yard for about an hour snapping pictures.

That was before the blizzard!! I like these pictures ~ just simple little things in my yard. The snow was so incredibly fluffy. Click on the pictures for close ups and just look at how pretty the snow is.

Isn't the snow pretty? Come back again later~ and I'll show you some more pretty ~ pretty crazy, that is! I'll try and get some "during the blizzard" photos to share.


  1. Oh' Marie. These are such pretty photos. Everything looks so clean, white and soft. I really like the way you have the soft look around your photos.

    Have fun and stay warm this weekend.
    Warm, Warm Hugs...Tracy :)

  2. I think we might of gotten an inch of snow out of this storm. Before it hit though we had over 24 hours of rain so my back yard is a pond. The front yard looks like a mud pit. lol

    It will definitely be a day for staying indoors.


  3. Very pretty Marie...thanks so much for sharing....blessings

  4. your yard looks like mine, remnants of Summer in the midst of Winter...The snow looks like cotton...very pretty...did you guys get the 20 inches they were predicting????

  5. Your photos are beautiful! I can't wait to see more!


  6. Walking into a winter wonderland at your house. Lovely and peaceful at the same time. When we get to heaven we'll have to ask God about's an amazing place of forced rest as times.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!