Monday, February 22, 2010

Random Monday Memories

Anyone remember this little guy?
Sunday nights on CBS...that's where I watched him ~ for most of my childhood.

"Every week, America tuned into "The Ed Sullivan Show" and every week, the TV audience was charmed by the antics of the adorable mouse, Topo Gigio. Created by a highly creative troupe of puppeteers, it took four people to bring the 10" tall character to life, three to manipulate him and one to create his sweet voice.Appearing over 50 times, the little Italian mouse would appear on stage and greet Ed with a sugary "Hello Eddie!". Topo also was quite the lover, often speaking of his girlfriend "Rosie", but the enduring image is how Topo ended his weekly visits, literally crooning to Ed, "Keesa me goo'night, Eddie"."


  1. Good morning Marie,

    I do vaguely remember this little mouse and I can remember his little voice and accent too. Very cute Random Memory to start the week!

    Have a good one!
    Kindly, ldh

  2. I don't remember him but then I don't remember watching Ed Sullivan much. My ex-hubby use to talk about him a lot and would get mad because I didn't have a clue! lol


  3. My husband can do a pretty good impersonation of Topo! You ALWAYS give me a chuckle with your Monday Morning Memories Marie!

  4. oh yes I do remember watching him each Sunday evening!!! it was family time for us all to gather round and do you also remember watching Walt Disney on Sunday evenings, and how about Omaha's Wild Kingdom???

  5. Ok, it's really telling my age but yes, yes I remember TOPO well. He was a favorite part of Sundays watching Ed Sullivan! Along with many others that I'm sure we could all list. Thanks so much for stirring up this great memory.
    Have a wonderful day.

  6. I KNEW we were linked at the hip! Yes...yes...yes....I loved Topo, in fact, we named our poodle after him. Topo Gigio lived 14 poodle years and he was my childhood dog. Every Sunday mom and dad would watch Ed and my favorite part was Ed tucking Topo in...Oh...thank you for the heartfelt memories. You must remember The Friendly Giant too, JP Patches and Wanda Wanda...


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!