Friday, February 26, 2010

Trashy Swap

Swaps are such fun! My most recent swap was hosted by Char. Her blog is called The Pickled Pepper Patch. Char is always coming up with great things. Sometimes it's a super recipe, or a really neat craft, or wonderful swap ideas!! I've participated in several swaps hosted by Char and this last one has been my very favorite. Char's swaps are not for everyone.
In her own words ~

THIS IS A PRIMITIVE SWAP! So, if you are NOT into Primitives (meaning you like pinks, light greens, pastels, clean or frilly things) then this Swap is NOT for you! Most of us Primitive lovers like the colors of barn reds, black, buttermilk, mustard & colonial blues...but, most of all we LOVE "DIRTY, TORN & TATTERED, COFFEE STAINED, CINNAMON SOAKED, BEAT UP & SEEN BETTER DAYS" Goodies!!!!

Now, personally, I don't decorate with really primitive things ~ but I do like a bit of of the torn, tattered & coffee stained kind of goodies. So I join these swaps ~ and of all the prim goodies I received there's only been one that was "way to prim" for me. But I shared it with someone who loved it!
Anyway ~ this swap was about taking some flea market, yard sale, cast off stuff and transforming it into something else. My partner is Beth and her blogs are called Old Tyme Marketplace and Junkin Escapades. I visited them a lot and I sure hope I came up with some things she'll like. Mailed them off yesterday!

Here's some of what I started with.
I ended up not using the ball - it's actually a snowman just didn't work as I had planned.

Here's a mosaic of the finished goodies...including a picture of them all wrapped up and ready to go. Hopefully Beth won't come peeking...I sent her an email and told her I was posting this today, so I don't think she will. I really like how the little shadow box turned out and I love the pin cushion...almost couldn't part with those two things. I added in some candles 'cause they smelled good and the cute sheep 'cause he needed a home.

*click photo to enlarge for a better look*

This swap was a lot of was great to get creative. I didn't buy a thing...just shopped off my shelves...using things I'd already purchased at the thrift store.
I really need to schedule regular times in my workroom. It's so relaxing and fulfilling and just plain nice! : )


  1. love the goodies!...I know Beth will love them too!

  2. All the goodies look wonderful! She will definitely love them I know I do! :)

    Staying warm?

  3. What fun stuff!!!

    Did you get this latest snow, Marie? We finally did!


  4. Believe it or not Marie I love primative. My blog looks like I'm all about color and gnomes and fairy finds but my bedroom is totally primative with a log bed, side tables and chairs and old rag dolls and books and chipped, stained, rusty tin doll dishes and some primative bird houses. One day I'll branch out and show the goodies on my blog. Maybe those things would be better on the Auntie Jacquelines blog because she's so worn and tattered and torn. Night, my friend. See you at The Enchanted Parade tomorrow if you can make it. I'll give you an ice cream bar!

  5. Hi there! What a really neat swap idea!

    I loved what you come up with. I can really appreciate creativity because I'm not

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog today, too! Or I should say yesterday!

  6. You did well! I bet your partner will LOVE the package she receives! I look forward to seeing what you end up with too!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!