Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Perks of Being a Gramma!

You get to blow bubbles....

You get to go to the playground...

You get to make silly faces...

You're Never Too Old Too Do Goofy Stuff!


  1. Okay I TOTALLY LOVE the picture of you going down the slide!!! So fun! I can hear the love just ooooozing & out & into those kiddos Marie! But hey...they are adorable! Anniew often tells me what I can do when I am a Grandma for her kids...the girls 5! :) i am in no rush...but I know someday I will enjoy it & hopefully I will go down the slide like you!!!

  2. You also get to sugar them up, then send them home.

    Looks like you are one fun gramma!


  3. and you get to sleep through the night once again!

    hee hee

    i can't wait for that stage!



  4. three things...

    one...cute post...i loved it!

    two...thanks for the march 23rd of the girl clipart, i copied them, and i love them!

    three...i'm your newest follower!!!

    come by and visit my two blogs as well sometime

    ciao bella..nice to meet you!
    creative carmelina

  5. I too love being a grandma! I can't imagine how much fun it would be to have three to spoil!


  6. looks like fun, I haven't had this pleasure yet. I'm hoping some day :)

  7. Yay for Grandmahood....we can be as snuggly, or as silly as we want to be! I loved this post but the picture on the left of Elijah started me at first..I'll have to go read more about the accident. There is something about that charlotte that just cracks me up. She is a free spirit for sure. Most of my assignments are finished for a few days (I still have my tussie mussie to make) but I had to get caught up with my reading!

  8. Hi Marie! I always see your smiling face when I visit Joyce, Scrap for Joy's blog and just couldn't resist stopping by for a peek. I have had such fun going through your posts. You are a swapper like Joyce I see! The photo of your one in her grandmother's gown "blown" up was too funny! What really made my day, and I can't believe there is actually another living person on this planet who recalls, The King Sisters!!!! When I was little my mother was friends with a member of this enormous family from Texas. It seems the state of Texas is full of them! I recall the daughter's show, I recall that Katie on My Three Sons was a King girl, I recall that I thought they were so glamorous. You have made my day with this memory. You have such a delightful blog, I am sure to visit again! Elizabeth


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!