Monday, May 10, 2010

It's a Giveaway in the Garden!

Over Six Hundred Posts!! How did that happen!?

Well, however it happened, I'm glad it did! I like looking back and if I didn't have this blog I'd have to rely on my memory. That would not be a good thing!

As I mentioned the other day I think 600 posts is something to celebrate so I'm going to ~ by having a Giveaway!!!

Sooooo.....for your giveaway pleasure I have this very nice book called Beatrix Potter ~ A Journal. It's full of beautifully illustrated pages along with photographs and journaling. There are maps to unfold, letters to open and flaps to lift.

There's even a "locket" with family photos inside!
But my very favorite part of this "book" is the tiny book ~ hidden away ~ under a flap ~ inside the back cover. It's the sweetest little book ~ The Tale of Peter Rabbit ~ and it has the cutest little black & white illustrations in it!
Okay down to business......

First of all, remember you can enlarge the photos for a better look by clicking on them!
Secondly this is a pretty simple giveaway.

Comment on this post and you'll get one entry.
Post about my giveaway on your blog for a second chance.
That's it ~ up to two chances to win!

It's a very nice book!

I'll announce the winner next Monday, May 17th.

Oh and look ~ I've been working on my flower beds.
They're coming along nicely!


  1. Congratulations on your 600th post. That's pretty amazing. I will head over to post your give-away in my side bar.

    Take care ~Natalie

  2. What a beautiful book. I`m sure to find a special place for it. Although I don`t have a blog, I follow your blog and others by way of my daughter`s blog,
    Please enter me in your giveaway.
    Thanx, Melba

  3. that book is lovely! i would love to give it to my mother (she is a fan of this book)

  4. What a beautiful give away! I adore Beatrix Potter and Peter Rabbit, I often read it to my little son. I'd LOVE to win! Do you know Brambly Hedge? It's similar and so cute as well.

  5. I added your give away link to my blog!

  6. Dzień Dobry

    Wita Ada,która z e-mailem tutaj wpada

  7. What an enchanting book. Please enter me in your giveaway. I turn to your blog every day, but I do not have a blog of my own. Good luck to all the other souls who have entered. Blessings

  8. Marie... What an accomplishment!
    Congrats and thanks you so much for the time you spend sharing your life, projects and yourself with all of us. Your blog is an inspiration to all!

    And who wouldn't just love that journal. I'll post to my blog and hope it brings many more names into the giveaway.

    Have a Great and Blessed Day... Ruth

  9. A gorgeous, gorgeous book!

  10. Wow, Marie! 600 posts! I can't imagine getting up that high in post numbers.

    What a great a book and so kind of you to offer it up as a giveaway. I'm keeping my fingers crossed ;o) !!! I'll also post about your generous giveaway on my blog. I'll be back . . .

  11. Oh, so exciting! I may have missed a few of your 600 posts but I sure have enjoyed the ones since I have come to know you! The book really is a special one and will be a joy to whoever receives it!

    Kindly, ldh

  12. Marie, how lovely! And how kind of you to give away such a special book! I'll post about it right now!

  13. Good Morning, Marie!
    Congratulations on 600 posts!!! Thank you!
    Love that you stop by and comment~ always great to see your smile in that wee-little square!
    Hope your week is wonderful~

  14. Congrats to you! This is such a sweet giveaway, please count me in!~~Becky

  15. Congratulations on 600 posts, Marie!

    The book is absolutely adorable and I'd love to be entered into your contest.

    Have a wonderful week!

    Debbie S in KY

  16. Such a beautiful giveaway Marie! Your blog is a wonderful inspiration to read each morning as I start my day. 600 posts? Wow! Please enter me in your giveaway and I'll gladly add you to my blog.
    Wishing you many blessings in the week ahead.

  17. Thank you Marie for hosting such a nice giveaway and 600 posts! Yay! Please enter me and I am going now to post it on my blog.

    Hope you have a great week!


  18. Hi Marie,
    came over from Diane, to see your blog, and say congratulations with your 600 post.
    Your giveaway is so very sweet, and I love Beatrix Potter, so if it is ok, for me from Denmark to enter, I will love to be in, for this great book.

  19. Marie! What a cool book! I can imagine going through those goregous pages with Annie on my lap...."Mom look at this!!!" happy you have decided to blog & stick with it! Congrats Marie!

  20. I came here from Diane Knott's blog and am I ever glad! I'm a huge Beatrix Potter fan and to win this book would be heaven. It's lovely. I will certainly post the giveaway on my blog, be glad to. Thanks so much! Crossing fingers, toes and eyes!!!


  21. How beautiful! Diane Knott sent me over and I am so glad that she did! Congratulations on hitting an astounding 600 posts!

  22. Diane sent me over as well and your blog is lovely! Wow, what a great giveaway!!! Please put my name in the hat for your drawing. I will be back to visit again! Congrats on your 600 posts!

  23. Marie,

    And oh I so want that book. (along with everyone else I'm sure).
    I can just see me sitting with my grandkids and going through that.

    I'm grateful for all your sweet visits to my place.


    barbara jean

    Oh, have a great week!!!

  24. PS. Hope this does not through things off, but I came over from Diane's; Diane Knott's Musings.
    She said to tel you she sent me. =)

    hugs and smiles

    barbara jean

  25. Thank you for the card Marie. It made my heart happy in the midst of the theft that happened while I was away but I had such a awesome chance to forgive!

    I would like to raise my hand, I'm over here, at the back of the room by the bookcase and join your giveaway. That is just something else to think you have hit 600 post. WOW, you are one Groovy Blogger 600 times over!!!

  26. Diane sent me over! Congratulations on your 600th post! And how generouse of you to have a giveaway.
    I love this Beatrix Potter Journal! A friend of mine received one as a gift from her son, and I have been looking for one ever since. I would love to win your giveaway! I am going to post it on my sidebar!
    Nice to *meet* you!

  27. I have always loved children's books that have the sweet little flap with things hidden! A grown up version!!!! Please enter me in your wonderful book giveaway!!

    Congratulatons on 600 posts!! Wow that is amazing!!

    bee blessed

  28. Marie, first let me say your blog is gorgeous and you are SO talented. I would love to add my name to the list for your outstanding giveaway ~ and would be honored to win it (I love Beatrix Potter)!!! I am a new blogger and I cannot even image having 60 posts, let alone 600! Congratulations. I will also put your give-away on my blog ( Blessings to you. Marilyn

  29. Congratulations on your 600th post!! That is great!!

    I just became one of your new followers, and would love to have my name entered in your giveaway for the Beatrix Potter book! Thank you!

    I have your giveaway also added on the sidebar of my blog... for another entry in your drawing! Thanks again!

    Have a wonderful day and week coming too!


  30. Congratulations on your 600th post I am not to 6 yet. Beautiful blog and I love the journal.

  31. Diane sent me over to your blog. I love all things "Beatrix Potter". I am an artist and just love looking at other arti

    Thanks for the opportunity to win.


  32. I'm not sure why my words got cut off but I was just saying that I love looking at other artist's work, especially if the subject is nature or garden related.

    That's all.



  33. Hi There, I am crazy bout anything Beatrix Potter. Have you seen the movie about her "Miss
    Potter?" I have had her wares for years. Anyway I am becoming a follower and posting it on my blog.

  34. congratulations on this milestone! this book is just precious...please count me in, I'd love a chance to win :)

  35. Oh I'm jealous, you're gardens are starting to look good and mine are still scraggly weed
    That is a lovely book, what a wonderful little treasure.

  36. Oh, how I would love to own this book, it would be sublime! I love Ms. Potter, and read all the little books to my own little blue coated boy many years ago. You have a wonderful blog, and just viewing it brings me joy!

  37. How fun! And congratulations on 600 posts! That is so incredible. Good for you! Or, actually, that should be good for us!

    I'd love to be entered!

    Thank you!

  38. OH!!! i had seen that book on amazon and was wanting it...i think that is a lovely prize...congrats on your 600 posts!!!

  39. Isn't that book just precious! I love it! And the idea to photograph it in your garden was soooo cute! please add my name to your giveaway! Thanks so much, blessings, Doni

  40. 600 posts. How wonderful! I love Beatrix Potter and her lovely little stories. I saw a very good video from my library on her life. Please throw my name in the pot.

  41. Hi sweet Marie!!!! Happy 600 Posts dear friend!!!! I'm so very glad you're here and I wish you many, many more posts to come ~ hugs and love dear friend, Dawn

  42. What an AMAZING book. I have never seen it. Thank you so much for sharing your blog with us. Six hundred posts is alot of living!

  43. Cute book and darling blog! Please enter me!

  44. What a wonderful blog you have! Congratulations on your 600th post. Please enter me into your draw!

  45. A very special giveaway. Please enter me into the drawing. Congratulations on 600th post.

  46. Hi Marie, 600 posts, WOW! Congratulations, that's really a milestone! What a sweet book you have chosen for the giveaway. I'd love to be entered.
    Have a wonderful day!

  47. I love Beatrix Potter ... takes me back to when my daughter was in first grade and her dear dear teacher, Miss Alice Hengesbach. This would be a great memory keeper for both of us!
    SuZeQ ~

  48. Just discovered your blog..via Dawn..I have a 2yr old granddaughter and we could surely look at that book together...and we have rabbits hopping all around us here in washington state desert.. Now to head back and see more of your blog...sally

  49. Hello! I found your blog through Michelle Palmer, and I just love it! This Beatrix Potter journal is delightful! I'd love a chance to win it!


  50. Wow! What a great book. I would love this...please enter me in your give aaway.
    Congratulations on 600 posts. That's a lot.
    I will try to get you on my blog, too! Am still learning how to do all this stuff. Thanks for a beautiful give away.
    Smiles and Blessings,

  51. Oh, how fun!!! I so love books like that. I have one like that called "Passionate Love Letters" which is so lovely as well. Thanks for offering this awesome book.

  52. Congrats on your 600th post! I just found your lovely blog through Dawn at the Feathered Nest and I'm so glad I did. The Beatrix Potter book has been on my Amazon wish list for ages so I would love to win! Thanks!

  53. Hi! I read about you on The Feathered Nest and wanted to leave a comment and tell you that I advertised your Giveaway on my blog here

    I enjoyed looking at your sidebar. Lots of great things on it. Where did you get a blogger template with three columns? I've been looking for something like that.

    Hope you are having a wonderful Spring day!

  54. Congratulations on posting your 600th message. Your blog is truly inspiring! As for the give-away, I've always loved Beatrix Potter-related things and even have a collection of her stories and Peter Rabbit-inspired crafts! I would love to be considered the new owner of this wonderful give-away.

  55. Wow-I had to stand in line a long time to enter your drawing. How wonderful that you've hit 600 posts...and I've read 99.9% of them...and your following is growing so much! I will post a picture and link on my blog as soon as I get through some of my emials..boy they stack up while you're away. I have many stories to tell but some pressing rpojects are calling my name.
    Here's to 6,000 more my sweet friend!

  56. I'm new to this whole blog thing and I don't have one yet but I sure would like to win that beautiful journal. Here's hoping and I hope I'm doin this right too.

    Jude Wahl

  57. Congrats on 600 posts! That is alot of creative writing, beautiful pictures and sharing of inspiration! I've enjoyed them immensely! And the book giveaway? Too wonderful for words!

    Here's to the next 600!

  58. 600 posts, that is amazing! I just began blogging, 23 posts so far. I will try to get a
    link posted on my blog about your celebration.

  59. 600 posts....congrats...that is a notable amount of work!! I really love your sweet giveaway. Good luck on your next 600!!

  60. Congratulations on your 600 posts! What a fantastic giveaway, please add me to your drawing and thank you for your generosity.
    Greetings from Mexico ~

  61. Congratulations Marie on 600 posts...that's quite a milestone! And what a wonderful giveaway...thanks for sharing that gorgeous book!

  62. Hi Marie...I just added your giveaway to my blog.

  63. Just discovered your blog - very nice. And the book is darling! Thanks for the opportunity to win this giveaway.

  64. Happy 600th post!!! Love the book and locket. Nice looking flower beds too.

  65. Congratulations! 600 posts, thats quite a milestone.
    I would love to enter your giveaway, the book is so charming.

  66. WOW 600 posts that is something to celebrate! Yiipppeee. I would love to win this giveaway Beatrix Potter is one of my favorites and this book has been on my wish list for sometime now. I would jump with glee if I won. Blessings to you, Heather

  67. Congratulations on a successful blog! I love Beatrix Potter and would love to win this lovely book! It's like sunshine for your spirit! :)

  68. Congratulations on 600 posts! I'm a reader of blogs, not a blogger, and I'm not even sure if I've read 600 posts, let alone written them. It definitely sounds like a lot.

    I'm so excited about your wonderful giveaway b/c Beatrix Potter is my absolute favorite children's book author. A few years ago, I also saw a film about her life, which was so enlightening, called "Miss Potter". I'd love to delve deeper and learn more about her and her writing and art. Thank you! thorandellie[at]gmail[dot]com

  69. What a beautiful book! Reminds me of the Masterpiece Theater (I think) series on Beatrix' biography.

  70. What a beautiful book! Congrats on so many posts on your wonderful blog! ♥

  71. Such a sweet adorable book! would love to win it! Your blog is so beautiful! I can't seem to get the follower thing to work right now to follow your blog, so I will try again later. thanks for the chance to win this sweet book!

  72. I just posted about your giveaway on my blog. i have been looking around on your blog and enjoying it so much!

  73. Teresa w/ olde grunged primitivesMay 14, 2010, 6:33:00 PM

    What a beautiful book. Someone will be lucky to have it.

  74. Hi there - I love this book! Plus the 17th is my granddaughters birthday so, I'm sure to be the winner, right? LOL. I'll plan to post on my blog later this afternoon.

  75. WOW!!! This is really some wonderful candy.. Thanks for a chance to win..
    saluti dall'italia public in slidebar on
    Hugs, rosa
    i am new follower (99 ;-)
    blog creative:

  76. This is so delightful...just yesterday my dogs discovered a rabbit's nest in my garden. I built a wire cage around it to keep them safe. Checked them this AM it's amazing how much they grew over night. I'd love to win this journal. xoxo Deborah mswoodytx at yahoo dot com

  77. Congratulatons on your 600th post Marie. I've added a post on my blog about your wonderful giveaway. Lynn

  78. how sweet!
    thank you for the chance to win!

  79. Congratulations! I'm so happy to have found your blog. Beatrix Potter books have been family favorites for 3 generations in our family. I look forward to sharing this book with my daughters and the Peter Rabbit story with little ones.
