Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The World Looks Very Beautiful

All three of my grandbabies love being outside.
I delight in the joy it brings them.

At the Zoo
On the Playground
In Gramma's Front Yard

The world looks very beautiful,
And full of joy to me;
The sun shines out in glory
On everything I see:
I know I shall be happy
While in the world I stay,
For I will follow Jesus,
I will follow Jesus -All the way.


  1. Awww, I hadn't seen that one of Chuckles. Too cute!

  2. I love babies and the zoo and the expressions on their little faces when they are looking into the animal faces~priceless Gramma!!!
    Waiting to take my grandsons to the zoo this weekend if the weather is good enough.
    Blessings to you!

  3. We have so many loves in common but I am not a granny yet...however, I love seeing your baby dolls...real live ones!

    I went back and read your last few posts...I have Tamara Lowes motivational book, she is just awesome and I have seen her rap before. What a powerful tool to speak to the world. It just shows how God can use all of us in his own unique way to lead others to Christ.

    Stepping out in life with my big girl panties on (shaking a bit but I know it says in Timothy God does not bring the spirit of fear). A huge choice is about to be made. If you have time, come visit my blog and I would appreicate your feedback and prayers Marie.

    Love in Christ, Jacqueline

  4. Love your little grands...they are so sweet wherever they may be....your little flower garden is so charming...I also read your previous post about is an amazing testimony of a child's faith...I shall go visit the family on her mamas blog...blessings

  5. Dear Marie,
    What a beautifull post again, and so sweet photoes.
    Marie, your lovely gift arrived today, and I so love the wonderfull book, Thankyou so very much, and for your sweet words, and the beautifull tag with lace, too. It was such a great gift to recieve, dear, and a lovingly one,too, I know it will give me many happy houers, to read with my Mathilde.
    Thanks from my heart, Marie,
    Hugs, Dorthe

  6. Marie they are just adorable. I can see why you get so much joy from spending time with them.

  7. Look at those dear little ones growing! Such blessings!

  8. The world is magical. I cant go to the zoo and not ponder on His love for us!



Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!