Saturday, June 5, 2010

Etsy Love

I love Etsy!
There are so many wonderfully creative things there.
It's nice to buy something sometimes.
It's nice to browse all the time!
These items are from one of my favorite shops. I think these little dishes are so sweet and they can be fun is that!
What a cute gift idea!

Do you have any favorite Etsy shops?
Do you wanna share? Puhleeze!


  1. Those are adorable. Love those little birds.
    I'm afraid my Etsy experience is limited to the blog I follow that have shops or feature other shops. I know that if I started shopping I wouldn't be able to control

  2. You sure have inspired me to go to Etsy and take a peek...I'm missing the fun I can see! I've managed to graduate from blog to facebook to twitter and ebay and now etsy...crazy language spoken for sure!
    All tired out from a busy Spit-Spot Saturday!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!