Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Got Photos?

While I'm waiting for a solution to my "busted" camera problem I thought I'd borrow some photos from other family members.  Even before my camera was "busted" their cameras were of course these are great photos!

Here's a photo taken by my daughter Katie (Charlotte's Momma). 
Penelope and Charlotte taking a little break on a turtle.

My daughter-in-law Jacqi (Penelope's Mommy) took this photo.
Elijah is loving all the bubbles!!

Thanks Katie and Jacqi for loaning me some very cute photos
of my very cute grandbabies!!


  1. Those ARE awesome photos! Wow! But your own photos are awesome too! I hope you solve the camera problem soon!

  2. How could one not get great shots of these sweet little ones!

  3. These three should all be models! They are so darn cute! How old is your camera? Is it maybe under warranty yet?

    Hope you have a great Wednesday!


  4. Sweet pictures of the grands....they are so cute....I never get tired of seeing them....blessings

  5. They are so adorable. I bet you must be going through withdrawal symptoms by now without your camera

  6. Hi Marie!
    Thank you for your visit and entering my giveaway!
    And I see my link and that just gives me a big smile!!!!
    Oh goodness the little kidlettes are darling!!
    Bubbles and turtles :-)
    I remember Art Linkletters show too and how he didnt "talk down" to the children and just spoke like they were little adults . . . and their answers were so pure and priceless!! Ah the memories!!
    Hugs and Smiles,

  7. I was just about to click on you when a little notice came up saying I had an email from you...we have good timing!

    These pictures are so cute! Those kids have the biggest smiles!!!! I just love all those bubbles! You are right! those are some great pics...of some adorable kids! Good night Marie!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!