Friday, June 18, 2010


My son-in-law's "Mum" is visiting from England. We try to get together for dinner out at least once while she's here ~ and we try to go somewhere she hasn't ever been to.
On Wednesday we enjoyed dinner at Eggspectation.
I love their Mission Statement:

"Our Mission begins with a commitment to innovation and “eggcellence”. Meeting our guests’ “eggspectations” is an integral part of our everday “eggsperience”; our commitment to surpass them is what makes us “eggstraordinary”. Our goal is to maintain the highest standards of food quality and service possible within a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere."

There are only four locations in the USA.
We're lucky enough to have one nearby...and we've eaten there before.

Check out the wine rack & the door handles. I love the industrial look of the decor.

Our friend Gail and her husband Bill joined us. Gail loves all things England ~ so of course she loves Brenda too! That's Brenda (in green) and Gail up above and Bill with Charlotte down below. My father-in-law enjoyed his Corned beef hash, scrambled eggs, & grilled potatoes.

After dinner we stood outside and visited for a little while. Charlotte, her Daddy & her Nana loved the flowers ~ isn't that Hibiscus beautiful?! Isn't that little Charlotte beautiful too?!

We had a great evening and look at this wonderful sunset we got to see on the way home.


  1. This was an eggcellent post! What a special time of visiting together. Love the shots you got and the mosaics you have created! Yes, indeed, little Charlotte beautiful too!!!

  2. Looks like an eggstra special night out. Corned beef hash sounds yummy :) That Charlotte is a total doll. How can one little girl have so much cuteness


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!