Thursday, July 8, 2010

I'm reading a new book called Having A Mary Heart In A Martha World (written by Joanna Weaver).

My daughter Mandy is doing a Bible study with some friends and they're reading this book.  She thought it might be a good book for me to read right now.
I just started it and if the book weren't Mandy's I'd have already highlighted most of what I read in the first chapter.  Sometimes I start a book and I know immediately that it's going to really minister to me right where I'm at in my life.  That's what happened this time! 

"When we put work before worship, we put the cart before the horse. The cart is important; so is the horse. But the horse must come first, or we end up pulling the cart ourselves. Frustrated and weary, we can nearly break under the pressure of service (work), for there is always something that needs to be done.
When we first spend time in His presence - when we take time to hear His voice - God provides the horse power we need to pull the heaviest load. He saddles up Grace and invites us to take a ride."
Page 10


  1. Maybe I need to read that book. I tend to put the cart before the horse quite often

  2. Ohhhh I just love that and it is so very true ~ I need to get that book ~


  3. My three friends (well now two because one just moved to Houston after 17 years here) read this book together a couple of years ago. It was great. We try to meet every Thursday and chat, discuss the book chapter and pray.

    Ah, Martha... how I relate!

  4. read this book last year in a book study and loved it!!!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!