Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Making Progress

I've been trying to get this room in order for months, actually for a couple years.  It's finally happening!
The first picture was taken  earlier this year ~ shortly after craft shows and the holidays ended.  The "mess" in the foreground is the top of my desk.  Picture #2 was shot just over a month ago, right in the middle of sorting and packing up.  You can even see a tiny corner of the desk top in it!!  It's the brown spot right below the black chair. The final photo was taken last Sunday. Everything is boxed up and out of the room, except for the mess on the desk. Yes, it's a mess again, but in a orderly sort of way!

This room used to belong to my son Joe. He loved posters.  Large posters, small posters and every size poster in between.  He also loved to re-arrange his posters.....many, many times!  Notice the white spots on the walls?  Bill's been busy spackling nail and pushpin holes. There were a lot of them ~ but they're all filled in now!  The sanding was done yesterday and Bill is painting the ceiling today.  
Woo Hoo!!!   Pretty soon............ 

...Fairy tales do come true!


  1. It looks better even since I was there last. Kudos to you on getting this far as I'd have probably left it in the in between stage (or never started at all) for much longer!

  2. Hey Marie. You have been a busy, busy girl and it shows. You should be patting yourself on the back for getting all that hard work done. It's looking great. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.

    Hugs...Tracy :)

    P.S. I'm having a giveaway that ends tonight. Hope you can enter.

  3. It's lookin really good. Can't wait to see the end result!

  4. Progress!!! It is so much work taking a room down to bare walls, and so much fun filling it back in. Waiting here with anticipation:)


  5. Hi Marie! Boy it's been awhile since I've visited. I had quite a few posts to catch up on. I have to say your room in those pictures very closely resembles my craft room right now. I have stuff everywhere! I've been saying for 3 weeks now I need to straighten up and reorganize, but every time I come in here, I end up on the computer. Can't wait to see the room when you've finished with it!

    Have a fabulous week!

  6. oh boy do I have a room that could use your organizational skills!

  7. Hi Marie, I'm looking forward to seeing your finished studio! Have you decided on the wall color yet?
    Have a great day!

  8. It is such a job to sort and organize...I have been yet it for sometime and don't know when the end will be in sight....I am sure your room is going to turned out wonderful....you have accomplished so much..can't wait to see the end results...blessings

  9. You are making great progress. I can't wait to see the finished project. I, too, am working on our guest room/studio. I did take one embarassing photo of the before!! You have inspired me to keep going.

    Have a terrific Tuesday. ~Natalie

  10. Yipeee and Yah for Bill. What would you do without a Bill in your life.
    There is hope in every corner of that room. You go girl. You're like my Aunt Hattie on my blog...making the best when put to the test!

  11. What have you done to my room??

  12. How exciting. Nothing like a fresh look and an organized space to get the creative juices flowing. My kids were the same way with push pins in the walls. Drove me nuts :)

  13. Where would we be without spackle! Looks like you are making GREAT progress! Looking forward to more pics!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!