Friday, August 27, 2010

First Thing....

Well, here's the first thing made in my new craft room ~ a 5x5" art square.  It's one of five that I'm working on for a swap hosted by Jillayne of A Fine Seam.  There are sixteen women participating and each of us will contribute 5 squares. Then Jillayne will mail back 5 squares from 5 different women to each of us.  I can't wait to receive mine!  There are some wonderfully talented women participating in this including my blogland friend Diane Knott.  I used some of her pretty stamped muslin on the lower half of this piece.  She sells it in her Etsy shop...mine came wrapped on a clothespin. So sweet!
I'll be finishing them up this weekend so I can mail them to Jillayne before Sept 1st.

Remember to click the photo to make it BIG!


  1. Good Morning, Marie. I just adore that sweet piece you made. And C'mas IS just around the corner! I'll have to check out Diane's Etsy Shop.

    Wish I'd known about Jillayne's swap. Of all the different types of swaps I've done in the past, I've never participated in a quilting/fabric one. Can't wait to see what goodies you get from that one!

  2. Beautiful work Marie! Looks like you are off to a great start in your newly organized craft room.
    Blessings to you.

  3. I love your art squareMarie. Your choice of image and the stamped muslin is perfect and I love the flourish in the corner. You are inspired in your new room!!!
    Love ya!

  4. I love your art square! I can't wait to see what you receive. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. I am hoping the weekend is at least half as nice as the past few days have been. Couldn't believe we actually slept with the windows opened last night.


  5. You are so talented my friend.....blessings on your weekend...

  6. It's adorable. I do hope you'll show us the others that you make. After seeing that I'm itching to go make something :)

  7. AW!!! It's perfect, Marie! I have that little photo too - it's just right for the words! And hmmm...that little bit of ribbon....I'm so glad you found a home for a bit of it!
    Hugs!!! Diane (who says thank you for the mention of our shop)

  8. Dear Marie,
    it is wonderfull, I so love it, and the old song text,too---I would love this to be one of my "incies" ,smiles.
    Hugs, Dorthe


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!