Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Giveaway Time!!

I discovered a lot of things that I no longer need while I was cleaning out my craft room.  Some went into the yard sale we just had, some will be donated and other things will be given away in Giveaways! 
Here's the first giveaway.  A copy of Artful Blogging ~ the NOV/DEC/JAN 2010 issue. These Somerset Studio magazine are amazing!

It's filled with a lot of inspiring photographs and great information.   You'll love it!  I love mine ~ but I only need one copy!  I can't believe I bought two of these!!  But lucky for someone else that I did!
Comment here if you'd like a chance to win!  That's it ~ nice and easy!
I'll choose a winner Saturday morning.


  1. funny what we find when we clean and organize!!! your new space looks great!!:) please throw my name in the hat!!:)

  2. Hi, I would love the chance to win the magazine. I cannot get them where I live.

  3. I have never had a chance to read this particular Somerset magazine and would love to get my hands on it! Thanks for buying 2 :)


  4. It is a lovely book...count me in...blessings to you dear Marie....

  5. Hi Marie,
    Please don't enter my name, as I already have this magazine, but I just stopped by today to say hi!
    I looooove your organized drawer pics below. Just makes me smile!!!
    And thanks for sharing the dress form pics from Graphics Fairy with us. I immediately thought of Joyce, too. : )
    Mary Lou

  6. Hi Marie, I would love to take a look at one of those magazines. Please enter me in the drawing! Thank you!
    Have a great afternoon!
    Hugs to you,

  7. Marie, I think I would like that! I don't have that issue. I do that a lot...buy a 2nd copy! LOL! Do you think we just might be on "information overload"? ;-)
    Hugs, Diane

  8. What a nice prize that is Marie. You can count me in.
    I was cleaning up my craft room AGAIN last weekend and I was thinking of doing a giveaway with some of the stuff that's been sitting around forever.
