Thursday, August 5, 2010

Oh My.....

Well, I spent last night at Katie's house helping her get some yard sale stuff priced. 
She has a lot of good stuff! 
I love stuff! 
I brought home a box of her's my stuff now! 
I couldn't help it! 
It was free!!


  1. That is too funny, but so true! Now you just might have enough stuff to fill up your new room? I am looking forward to seeing it all done up... soon?

  2. Good Morning, Marie,
    Oh I think we would get along perfectly. I can't take a box to the Nearly New shop without leaving with a bag of new junk! Yikes!!

    Have fun with your rummage sale. ~Natalie

  3. gives us stuff to stuff! Come on over and visit again when you have time...I miss you! I opened my booth last weekend...come see my stuff...and I have more stuff...

  4. Exactly! Free is a tough price to beat. I hope you both are able to sell a lot of stuff this Saturday. We might be stopping by to see if there's anything we would like to purchase.

  5. LOL sounds like something I would do. When my daughter moved out she left some stuff behind and said whatever she left I could toss in the garbage. I had to go through it first to see if there was anything I

  6. LOL! Why didn't you just trade STUFF! Too funny! Have fun, Marie!

  7. LOL!! I did the same thing a couple years back at a co-workers garage sale. She too had great stuff and I had to scarf it up! And I still have them. Kit


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!