Saturday, September 4, 2010

New Look ~ New Friends

I was visiting my blog friend Joyce at Scrap for Joy last night and she was showing off a brand new blog look.  She found her new look at Aqua Poppy Designs.  So I went to visit and I found a new background too!  I think it looks good with my header (someday I'll figure out how to center that header)....and I love all the bright colors!  They make me happy!!

You want to know something else that makes me happy?  TALKING to my blogland friends.  I got to speak with Joyce last Wednesday.....she called me and we gabbed like old long-time friends!  We've been visiting each others blogs and emailing one another for over two years and someday we're going to meet each other in fun is that!!  I started blogging so I could show off my grandbabies to family far away ~ I never expected to develop friendships but I have....more than one.  What an unexpected blessing!!


  1. Love the new background Marie. It's so cheerful. I think one of the best things about blogging is all the wonderful people you meet along the way.

  2. The background is FUN, Marie! I don't know how to do this stuff - mine would be wonky! LOL! Computer challenged.

    Your FIL is adorable! Hope you have a nice weekend!

    Hugs, Diane

  3. Love it, Marie! It's so happy and cheerful, and you're right! It goes perfectly with your header. I've poked around their site before. I'll have to remember to give them a look when I'm ready to "remodel'.

  4. The background is perfect with your header! Blog background sites...a new way to fritter away an hour or two! Have fun with Charlotte!

  5. Hi Marie, yes it is wonderfull, with the freindships gathered here, I also never expected ,to meet so many dear people,but I feel so blessed with all the beautifull people I have met here,in blogland.
    Thankyou for being a very sweet blogger,-----
    your new colors are lovely.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  6. Hi Marie. You blog looks so pretty. Sometimes a change is just what we need. I never noticed that your header wasn't centered till you told me and I'm sure I'll never notice again. Your header's too pretty to notice.

    Hope you're having a fun weekend. Hugs..Tracy :)

  7. Hiya Marie,
    Your new background is very pretty. I like the color combination. I'm about overdue for a new look too. Another thing to add to my to do list :)


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!