Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Weekend in Review!

Charlotte stayed with me while her Grandpa, Momma, Daddy and Aunt went to NYC to see the US Open.  She arrived on Sunday at about 11:00AM.  We had a weekend full of fun....
Remember to click on the photos to make them BIG!

A tall iced sweetened black tea from Starbucks ~ courtesy of the departing US Open group. A great way to start the day. Gramma got one too ~ but it was a vente.

 Sunday in the Park with Elijah (and Joe & Jo).  He's excited!
  He was not a fan of this slide.
Charlotte was.
Elijah watching Charlotte ~ thinking "Does that girl ever slow down?"
Finally a little water break.
Flying high ~ he loves the swings!!
Sunday evening Charlotte and I visited Penelope for dinner and a bath.

Penelope loves her baths ~ and her cousin too! Charlotte loves the size of Penelope's tub!

I love the (blurry) PJ outfit & socks! Lookin' good!

On Monday Charlotte and I had a tea party. We watched Tarzan and Cinderella and played outside too. However, we DID NOT nap...
We also had a very relaxed dinner...check out the reclining position.
Love that she had to use the fork from our tea party!

The weekend was fun....but a little hectic too! 
My FIL was really looking forward to watching tennis all weekend....but as I mentioned yesterday our cable was out from Saturday morning until about 3:00pm Tuesday.  When all you do is watch television your day is pretty void when it isn't available. So he went with Charlotte and I to visit Penelope (and parents) Sunday evening.  He passed on the bath and playtime and watched a couple hours of tennis instead. That's his bald head leaning on the pillow.

Monday he watched some DVDs and drank the chocolate milk shake that Charlotte and I got for him at McDonalds.  He also finished a book he'd been reading. 
He was so happy when the cable returned.
On went the was good.
And it got even better when he got to enjoy his Pastrami sandwich from the Carnegie Deli in midtown Manhattan.  Bill and Mandy brought home sandwiches for us to enjoy for dinner last night. 
Totally YUM!

P.S. I did get to have some fun CREATING on Saturday.....I'll show you a peek soon.


  1. Hi Marie!
    Love you blog look...It's beautiful and cheerful. Those kidlets are adorable, too! Thanks for visiting Brynwood and leaving your sweet comnents. Good luck in the drawing! I've joined your followers, and promise I'll be back to explore and get to know you better, too!

  2. Hi Marie,
    Wow, you have been keeping busy. Your Charlotte is just too darn cute. I love her curly hair, and my Mother's name was I'm very partial. You make me laugh when speaking of your FIL! I love to laugh...but I wanted to cry when you spoke of a pastrami sandwich. You see, I was born and raised in NYC and in the boondocks of Texas they don't even know what a deli is! My tongue is now hanging out for a Pastrami on rye with seeds, plenty of mustard, and a nice big pickle. I won't even mention my bagel withdrawals, fresh Italian bread longings, and local Chinese takeout dreams. Assorted Drakes cakes (coffee cakes, funnybones, ring dings, yankee doodles, yodels) and Nabisco's Mallomars are MIA too! What's a woman to do?
    Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  3. What a BUSY time and how precious are those little ones! Love, love, love the bath time shots! And who doesn't want to just hug a tot in soft pj's!

    Yeah for Tennis on TV! I couldn't spend too many minutes sitting there but I can tell your FIL was happy :)

  4. Wow what a weekend! Charlotte is such a doll & that hair always makes me smile. These kids are always on the go and I can't believe she didn't take a nap. You are a fabulous grandma, perhaps she was afraid she would miss something fun.

    I think my stomach growled when you mentioned the sandwich picked up in Manhattan. I can only imagine how good they must have been.


  5. Ohhh they are precious precious babies !!
    What a fun day ~


  6. I love time with the grandchildren. Your photos are great! Isn't it amazing that not having cable TV can change our lives so drastically. Your story about your FIL made me smile.

  7. Well you sure had a busy weekend but it seems that they enjoyed themselves. Well maybe except for your father in law without Love the "end" of bathtime so precious. I think they may have been able to squeeze just a few more toys in that tub


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!