Monday, October 4, 2010

Random Monday Memories & Some Time Off

These photos are from about seven years ago.  It was one of the last years that I did a Christmas home show (in someone else's home).  I did this particular show for ten years. It ran for two weekends beginning the weekend after Thanksgiving.  I prepared for this show for months....

I don't make many of these kinds of crafts anymore and I certainly don't create this amount of stuff. 
BUT, I do have a couple shows coming up VERY I need to be creating something soon! 
I also have a second yard sale to work on and a trip to Disney World to fit in. 
Plus Katie, Mark and Charlotte will probably be living with us for a little while.  They have a contract on their house and, Lord willing, the closing will take place in November.  If they don't find and close on their next home by then, they'll be staying at my house. 
So we're doing a little re-arranging of rooms - just in case! 
Oh, did I mention that we're also "making over" the family room and putting new flooring and a toilet in one of the bathrooms. 
There's always that 9-5 job too. 
I'm also working on my Christmas shopping now because once the second craft show is over (the last weekend in November) I AM staying home and making cookies and decorating for Christmas and wrapping gifts  and playing with my grandbabies. 

I doubt I'll be able to crank out this many things in the midst of doing all the other things but I do need to get busy and whip up a couple boxes full of goodies.  So I think it's time to shorten my blog posts and limit the amount of them for a little while.   I have a few scheduled for this week but after that who knows....

Please don't stop visiting and I'll sure try visiting all of you as often as I can!


  1. Dear Marie,
    I wish you ,happy creating--I`m soo bussy, too--if only the flu would leave me...
    Hugs, Dorthe

  2. Oh my goodness that is a lot of crafting Marie. How did you ever get all that done! I will say it seems crafting shows were huge back then and they do seem to be making a comeback. Good Luck with you up and coming shows.

    Something tells me having family under your roof, while crowded will be something you enjoy for the short term. I hope you can get all your house projects done before hand but if not, just look at it as some extra sets of hands to pitch


  3. That is a lot of crafts! Must have taken um teen hours to create! You do have much on your plate but I just know, dear Marie has many crafty ideas in that sweet head of yours!

  4. Wow-I'm amazed by the number of things you made Marie! Yeah, we can't go at that pace anymore. I hope all of the selling and buying goes well for Katie & Mark. In these times, it's nerve wracking I'm sure. You will have a magical time in Disney...Hope you can relax a bit, too.
    Blogging friends are the most understanding if you're not posting every day. We are loyal and will be happy whenevr we see you update and totally understanding when you're absent.
    Have a good week dear friend!

  5. I wouldn't dream of stopping my visits here. You certainly are going to be a busy one. That's a lot of work involved in all those pictures. I can't imagine putting that much stuff together.

  6. Hi Marie, good to hear that you are getting ready for Christmas early! You might like to visit for the 12 weeks of Christmas "Simply Christmas" each week Kerryanne is featuring a blog, there will be tutorials on gift giving, cooking, decorating and lots of giveaways. I am one of the blogs that will be doing a tutorial next week!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!