Monday, November 29, 2010

4 Days Off

Well, here it is Monday and back to work I go.  My four days off just flew by!   Four days full of family and fun!  I didn't take a lot of pictures but here are a few little peeks at what went on.

We had our Thanksgiving dinner at Kevin and Jacqi's house.  It was wonderful!  We had so much food ~including the turkey Kevin smoked and the one Bill roasted!

Jacqi likes to have plenty of munchies available ~ this was our pre-dinner food!  Now I love turkey, etc, but I could have sat at this table and munched all afternoon and been perfectly happy!!

Elijah and Penelope enjoyed their bowls full of cheetos!

Friday morning Katie and I took Charlotte to a Christmas festival.  Charlotte loved the trees, the elves and the carousel.  It was a pretty good ride ~ I think the carousel went around about ten times. Each time around I heard "Gwamma, look at me!"
Friday evening Katie, Mandy and I went out Christmas shopping ~ I'm almost done now!

On Saturday I was in my last craft show of the year.  It was VERY disappointing.  Turned put to be a gathering of home shows like Pampered Chef, Avon, etc. ~ our display was one of only two with handmade itmes.  But it was nice to visit with my friends who shared the table with me.

Saturday evening we stayed home, ordered in Chinese food and just relaxed ~ someone wasn't feeling very well!  We finally coaxed her into drinking a little juice.  What a sad, pathetic little face.  : ( 

Yesterday we went to church, ran a couple errands and enjoyed yummy leftovers for dinner.  Charlotte is feeling a bit better but now yours truly is feeling pretty blah. I feel a cold comin' on!
Juice and a blankie ~ just what the doctor ordered!


  1. Dear Marie,
    you truly had wonderfull dayes, with family-and great meals, I can see.
    I ,too ,took part in a very dissapointing show- no people showed up, we have snow storms here!!!
    I wish you a good week- Marie, relax and take care.

  2. It's amazing how fast 4 days can go by when you're off from work, yet a work week goes by so slow. It looks like you packed your days full of lots of fun and family though. That food looks delicious.

  3. Hi Marie! Looks like you had a fabulous T'day celebration. Yes, the days off do fly by, don't they??!!! Sorry to hear you didn't fare well at your show. It's a shame. Looks like you had some real nice items for sale. Maybe you should try selling some items on-line ;o)

  4. I had 5 days off and it flew by! I am already counting down the days till Christmas vacation. lol Working for the school system this year, I get to look forward to a two week vacation! Jacqi outdid herself. Love the table with all the pre-dinner goodies. Heck... where did she put the turkey??? :)

    Sorry about the craft show. Its a shame to work so hard to have that happen. Hope everyone is feeling better soon and that you have a great week.

    Debbie K.

  5. The munchies look fabulous.

    We have a very special blankie here too. Caleb still calls it his "manky". :)

  6. I did out-do myself. Next year, note to self, deviled eggs, 1 cheese (cubed), salsa/chips.

  7. PS, I got a couple of those crafy trees as a gift and I DO LOVE THEM! Thanks MOM-e


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Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!