Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Taking a Break

There has been so much going on lately and I'm feeling a bit over-whelmed. So I decided I needed a break from posting on my blog. 
I'll be back on the 15th.

Picture me with a book, sipping iced tea, on this hammock.
That's what I'll be doing......"picturing me that is"!

Only In My Dreams......


  1. Enjoy your break Marie...blessings

  2. Have a good break... This is a hard time to keep up with blogging and all, especially with the holidays coming around.. Enjoy!


  3. I would be most happy to picture you in that lovely setting as long as you don't mind me tagging along :) Enjoy the break, you deserve it

  4. Oh, Marie, I know you have lots on your plate right now... family, craft shows, holidays. Hope you accomplish much and also find refreshment. Looking forward to your next post!

  5. Come back happy and refreshed!

  6. Marie, Keep dreaming about that beach hammock with a lemonade, it will come, just not this week ;-)
    We'll miss you and the grandbabies while you're on break, I'm sure it will be nice to take one thing off your mind.


  7. Hi Marie! Enjoy your break. I'm in the midst of a blogging break myself. Need to focus on other things and regroup. Hope you're getting some needed rejuvenation. Can I join you on that gorgeous beach???


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!