Thursday, December 30, 2010

Aren't They Grand!

Today isn't's Thursday.  I thought yesterday was Tuesday because I took a vacation day on Monday.  But then I remembered that tomorrow is today must be Thursday!  And that means I didn't post grandbaby photos here they are today!  It's been that kind of week!

Some of my favorite Christmas time photos...... 

Elijah had a tree this's his first big tree....he loved decorating it!
This is Katie's Christmas card this year ~ Charlotte said "Hey, that's me"!
Penelope got a new kitchen including pots and pans this year. 
She loves to cook!
Cousins heading to church on Christmas Eve.

Remember that announcement I mentioned last week.  Well Elijah has some news to share.

He REALLY is happy about it!


Yippee ~ a new baby brother or sister in July 2011!!
Congratulations to Mommy & Daddy.........oh, and Gramma too!!
Photo credits to Katie, Johanna and Jacqi.  Thanks for sharing with the Gramma!!


  1. Aw! I always love seeing those chubby, rosy-cheeked babies of yours. :-) They make me smile. And I noticed that your post was just one hour ago, Marie. Are you up in the middle of the night like me? Couldn't sleep.
    I think we need some warm milk and a hug!
    Hugs, Diane

  2. Good Morning, Marie,
    I just love the photo of the little girls walking hand in hand to church...That should be a Hallmark Christmas card!

    Congratulations on the new grandbaby on the way. I am so excited and happy for you. Keep us all posted...please.

    Have a thoughtful Thursday ~Natalie

  3. Hooray for Elijah!

    I must say those kids are just beautiful, it's been a great year in pictures.


  4. You have the cutest grandchildren! Congratulations on #4 Marie! *hugs*


  5. Great pictures of the little ones and congrats on another one on the way.

  6. I stumbled into your blog and found so beautiful kids and your photo taking is brilliant. All pictures speak itself fabulous and you're wonderful. Will follow you who keep me fresh.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!