Monday, January 10, 2011

Back to Normal.

The Pods have left.  The "little kitchen" and toys are gone.  Our house, and all the remnants of having two extra adults and one toddler in it for two months, belongs to just us again.  Soon the remnants will be cleaned up and we'll take advantage of the empty spaces and do some re-decorating and a bit of early spring cleaning.  Then we'll get back to our normally crazy life.  It'll be a little quieter, the bathroom will be free more often, I won't find sippy cups in the sink anymore.  Katie, Mark & Charlotte and all their belongings have moved into their new home, which means they've moved out of mine.

 I'm glad ~ really I am.  It will be nice to get things back in order again.  It will.  But I'm sure going to miss hearing "What doin' Gwama?"  I'm going to miss seeing Bill's face light up when he heard "Ampa, how 'bout coffee!"   I'm going to miss toys in the tub and baby dolls on the living room chairs.  But most of all I'm going to miss this sweet little face every morning and every night.  She just makes me smile!

Silly me......I cried when she left.


  1. Of course you did darlin'. That's what we do. We miss our alone time, we miss our clean house but no matter how much we miss those things ~ we miss THEM when they're gone. My sister used to move back in my moms (a few times) with her children and when they left again, I always watched my Mom mourn their leaving and cry.

    You're certainly not silly, just a wonderful Grandma.

    OOOXXX's....Tracy :)

  2. Dear Marie,
    oh yes, I know just how you feel--a big empty space inside- the house sooo quiet-and the loving smiles gone!
    I can only say,in a few dayes ,you will be all right again,dear-even alwayes missing them, just like I do.
    Big hug to you.

  3. I am sure it was all bittersweet. It will be quiet till you are use to having the place back to yourself again. The good news is... she will be back for lots of visits I am sure. I know I feel the same way when Jaygen comes for the weekend.

    *big hugs*

  4. Not silly at all....I understand completely :)
    Blessings on your week Marie.

  5. Not silly, I would have done the same thing. I can imagine how it must feel extra quiet around there right now.

  6. Naturaly you cried!!! No matter what we may say or think deep in our hearts we know we are just fibbing to ourself. Hugs to ya


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!