Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Gift

I gave this little grouping of gifts to a special friend of mine for Christmas. 
Simple little gifts ~ all handmade (three by me).  Don't they look pretty together?! 
The silvery angel started out as a plain ornament from Target.  She got new wings and a new banner from yours truly.  The bird nest is a pin made of silvery wire and little pearls. My personal favorite is the "spread love" butter knife.  The silver vase used to be a butter knife.  I purchased it a local craft show and added the flowers and little tag to it.  Now I'm collecting hollow handle knifes so I can try and make some of these myself.  They're also very pretty with a pin back on them instead of the handle!

“Spread love everywhere you go: First of all in your own house... let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness.”
Mother Teresa


  1. Hi Marie, well somebody was very happy after receiving that package. You're right they look even more special all put together like that. I know she'll be cherishing your creative treasures for a long time.

    ((HUGS))...Tracy :)

  2. What a nice gift! I am sure she must have loved it.

    Hope your having a wonderful day!


  3. These are lovely, Marie! I like the sentiment on the butter knife. How nice to use with company!

    Today we spilled 3/4 of a crockpot of chicken soup all over the kitchen...splashed on cupboards, walls, floor into the hall and those walls too....

    What could have been a total disaster ended up with hubby and me laughing and now we have nice clean spots in the house! LOL! Silver linings...

    Hugs, Diane

  4. What a pretty gift. Handmade gifts are my favorite. They just seem to have more meaning to them.
    I love how you dressed up that angel and the hollow knife handle is such a cool idea.

  5. You are truly the expression of God's kindness! I love the glittery clever of you, and the knife is did you do the embossing? Great projects!! (Love my pin and magnet!!)

  6. Dear Marie, now this is the 3 time I try to comment here- hope blogger will let me...
    as I want to tell you, I love all the gifts you made your friend,
    the flower-knife is so special, and lovely-and so are the angel, and little nest.
    Hugs to you, and hope for a wonderfull 2011.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!