Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Fabric Collage

Well, I didn't get to craft one little bit over the weekend!  Instead Saturday morning we had a new (to us) sofa delivered, Saturday afternoon we had some family fun celebrating Elijah's birthday and Saturday evening I cleaned and re-arranged the family room so the "new" sofa would have a home. By Sunday night all the football fans had a nice, clean room to watch the Super Bowl in. I retreated to my craft room and spent a few hours sorting, cleaning and looking for the top of my desk! Once I finally found it, it was bed time!  : )

Finally last night I was able to get in there and work on my fabric collage.  I've never done a collage with fabric before  ~ I figured it couldn't be any different than the many paper collages I've done in the past.  But it is ~ the textures & dimensions are so different.  I'd lay one piece down and stare at it for 15 minutes or so and then decide not to use it.  Then I'd pile on four or five doodads and stare at them.  It would be very easy to use too many bits & pieces of stuff on these collages and just as easy to use too few. I made some progress, but I decided to stop working on it until later tonight. 
I need to think about it for a little bit.....but I'm pleased with the progress so far.     


  1. Hi Marie, It looks great and isn't it fun to work with fabrics and laces? Like you I also always have a hard time, deciding on which pieces to use and it takes me days to get a collage finished. When I think I'm done, I take a picture and look at it on the computer screen. Often enough I see one or more spots I like to change or to add something to.
    Have fun finishing your lovely collage!
    Good night and sleep well!
    Hugs to you,

  2. It looks beautifull, Marie,
    it will be a wonderfull first piece-
    I like the clots work,too-in a way I find it eaysier to see what it will look like, than the paper--- Maybe only me!
    Congratulation with your sun- and what a sweet family he has.
    Hugs, and smiles,Dorthe

  3. It looks soooo pretty !!!
    Aren't they so much fun to do
    because you can just add alot
    of bits and pieces ~
    Have a wonderful day !


  4. I had hoped to craft more than I got too this weekend too. I am being hit with the sewing bug and wanting to do a quilt top or two. I did work on a swap for the forum I am in so hopefully that will help keep me busy.

    I love what you have been working on!


  5. I know whatever you decide to do with it...it will turn out fabulous ....you are good that way :)...blessings dear friend....Shelley

  6. Marie, next thing you know you'll be hooked! I know it! ;-)
    Hugs, Diane

  7. well what you have so far looks pretty good. That kind of sounded like the process i go through with just about any project I work on lately.

  8. I can't wait to see what you come up with Marie....I'm sure it will be gorgeous. I agree with Diane, once you get started with fabric collage you will be hooked. Have fun and enjoy the process.



Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!