Thursday, February 17, 2011

Out With the Old......

Yes, I continue to simplify.  I made REALLY good progress this past weekend.  I went through my closet and dresser.  There's a HUGE box to be taken to Goodwill and several smaller ones to put with all the other yard sale stuff.  The final stack of unwanted magazines isvin the recycle pile.   I sorted through my (pre-digital) photos that were in three cardboard, under-the-bed storage boxes and got rid of a large bagful of blurry, out of focus shots.  The rest are now arranged neatly in one larger plastic, under-the-bed storage box.  So ~ I'm happy with making a little dent in simplifying my life.  I got rid of a lot of stuff!

I also found something to help with future the kitchen, I think.
I bought this cute wire rack (at Walmart) and two pint-size mason jars and I'll be filling the jars with some cute pens and pencils, or maybe some straws.

"I can do all things through Christ
who strengthens me".
Philippians 4:13


  1. Hi Marie! I'm so glad to know someone's getting something accomplished, cause it ain't me honey. Sounds like you made some good headway. That little mason jar holder is cute! We could all use a little simplifying in our lives. If I was to start my life over it would be so much more country and so much more simple. You photos came out great.

    XXOO's...Tracy :)

  2. I dont think I've ever told you how much I enjoy reading your blog over my breakfast cereal. Have a great day Marie!

  3. I am so looking forward to summer vacation so I can clean through some closets and dressers. I love the wire rack with the mason jars! Hope your having a good week!

    Debbie K

  4. Yay Marie! I love simplifying... congratulations on your successful efforts! :)

  5. Good job with the simplifying. I wish I could say the same. I've made several attempts at cleaning up my craft room once again only to mess it up again.

  6. You are doing great, Marie!

    I saw that sweet wire rack at my Wal-Mart too. Very cute!

  7. I love the little rack. I need something like that as I am always looking for a pen or a pencil. Very cute idea!

  8. I love cleaning out excess too! It always feels great. It sounds like you've made a lot of progress. :)

  9. Marie, dear,
    the wire-rack, is wonderfull, great find-
    and I`m impressed, that you are still simplifying- wish it was me :)


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!