Sunday, March 27, 2011

Taking A Rest

I started my blog in July of 2008 and it remains one of my most favorite things to do.  My topics are pretty random ~ posting grandbaby photos was initially my primary motivation ~ but over time it's become that plus a bit of home, crafts, places to see and some spiritual inspiration. 
My posts have been fairly frequent too. About 5 to 6 times a week. 
Since I had this knee surgery I have found myself losing interest in posting. Mostly because I'm not doing much worth posting about.  Rather than continuing to feel guilty about my lack of regular posts, I'm going to release myself from this (self-imposed) guilt and I'm going to step away from (regular) posting.  I'm going to loan my lap top to my daughter Katie. She has a fun blog -you might like to visit her!
You know - I'm doing okay.  The knee is (slowly) healing. But it's been tough to get back my strength and my energy.  It's still hard to remain in one position for any length of time too - the whole recovery process is a bit more "involved" than I anticipated.  Plus I thought there would be a lot less discomfort by now - I guess thinking that is a little unrealistic considering it's been a bit less than three weeks since the surgery.
Anyway - I covet your prayers.  Specifically for physical comfort and healing.  Prayers for emotional well being would be appreciated as well.

I'll be around - mostly lurking for now.  Thanks for visiting.......and caring!! 


  1. I am going to miss you! Sending you healing prayers and thoughts.

  2. Marie you will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. You need to focus on yourself and recovering from your surgery above all else. Though you will be missed, blogging can certainly wait!
    Bless you and keep us posted as to how you are doing from time to time ;-)

  3. Take care, Marie! I hope the healing process stays steady for you and you're back to your usual routines in no time!
    Enjoy your lurking... maybe inspiration will strike and you'll be back sooner rather than later!
    Hugs, Kimberly

  4. Aw, I'll miss you Marie! Of course I'll see you around, but still ... :)

  5. You know I will be praying for your continued recovery but I will miss you much! Hope you will update occasionally!

    Love and prayers to you, dear Marie!

  6. Dearest Marie,
    I so hope you will gain pleasure in posting again- as I will miss you a lot here,
    Please be- soo feeling much better again- and come back, dear.
    I can imagine it is a very hard job, feeling positive and strong- as long as your leg hurts -and you are tired and feeling uncomfortable. I pray it will soon be over, and you well again- so we will have you back, dear friend.
    Big hugs -Dorthe

  7. Wait a minute! I'm busy lurking you! hahahahaha I started my blog in '08, too, and have found myself slowing down, also. So I sympathize - empathize. Sorry to hear your recovery is slower than you had anticipated! I'll be praying for your health. Looking forward to hearing from you occasionally!


  8. You just go ahead and lurk if that's what it takes to get you back up and around. Just because you aren't posting don't think I won't be thinking of you and wishing you well :)
    You take care, get better and we'll see you when you're ready.

  9. Rest is good. I started my blog about six months ago... sometimes I'm still not sure why I do it. When I take a few weeks off every now and then... I enjoy starting back up.
    Wishing you rejuvenation! :)

  10. Hi Marie,
    I pray for a healing for you and that you will be feeling better soon...and we sure understand if you can't blog for now. Rest and take care of yourself and we'll still be talking on here when you feel better!!
    Sending (((hugs))) to you,

  11. Everybody needs a break from all sorts of things occasionally, nothing wrong with that. My logging breaks are usually enforced ones when we go to the cottage in France. Nobody should feel they have to blog, when it becomes a chore rather than fun, just to please others. You concentrate on getting better, and I hope that one day you will get the urge to blog and share with us again. Big get-better hug, Liz x

  12. Rest well and enjoy your break. Taking time off is good.

  13. Marie, you have my admiration. You are one brave lady! Rest well! This is a difficult time to get through both physically and emotionally. Being held back from what you want to fun!

  14. Take it easy Marie and enjoy! I understand what you mean- when you aren't interested and so can't get excited about blogging.
    You will get better, emotionally and physically. It can be hard to be knocked down by surgery but you'll bounce back and I will keep that thought in my prayers for you.

  15. Dear sweet Marie,
    I was sorry to read of a slow recovery. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. You might find the following link interesting. You'll have to scroll down about 1/3 of the way until you get to the title, "Multiple Cures", before it starts to talk about knee and joint pain.
    I can't vouch for this suggestion, but I thought of you as I was looking for an answer to something else. : )
    Enjoy your rest. I've taken a break from time to time. I think it's a good idea.
    Mary Lou


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!