Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I mentioned in this post that I had an important date coming up.  That date is March 9th ~ tomorrow.  I'll be having a TKA (Total Knee Arthroplasty) done. Otherwise known as Knee Replacement surgery.  It's time....
I've been limping and hobbling and moaning and groaning on and off for over five years. It'll be great to go shopping somewhere that doesn't have a shopping cart.  Lately I've needed one of those even if I didn't need one of those ~ if you know what I mean!

We're as prepared as we're going to be...a whole lot of simplifying has been going on.  I have some little craft kits ready to be worked on, books to read and even a few movies to watch.  Hopefully I'll be back to blogging soon because I visited some really neat stores this past weekend that I'd like to share with you. I've also received some wonderful treasures in the mail that I need to show off!  : )
 I'll be packing my bag tonight and finishing up a bit more cleaning.  Bill is taking some time off to help me once I'm home ~ that should be Friday or Saturday.  Mandy will be available when he's not.
So everything is ready.  I think....

We have to be at the hospital at 5:45 AM tomorrow!  I'm the very first surgery ~ promptly at 7:30 AM! The surgery is probably the easy part.  The therapy sounds pretty tough.  I'd really appreciate your prayers and good thoughts.  Because I tend to get a little anxious in this type of situation, I've been reciting Philippians 4:6-7.  I've been praying and praising the Lord because I know He's in control. I really do have peace about it all, and I thank the Lord for that.  I thank Him for each of you as well!
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7


  1. Oh' Sweetie, I'm so glad I saw this post before heading off to bed. You will be the person I fall asleep with on my mind with prayers for you on my lips. I wish I could be there to hold your hand or provide support or even to help afterward.

    Just keep on prayin' honey, I know the Lord is there with you and I pray that you feel his calming peace.

    Much love and many prayers. Love ya, Tracy :)

  2. I'll be thinking of you, and we'll all be here after your op to help you through the therapy.

  3. I'll be thinking of you and sending healing thoughts your way. Blessings from the UK

  4. You will be in my thoughts and prayers Marie. I am sure you will do fine. If I were closer I would come help you.

    Debbie K

  5. Hey Mom. You will do fine. We will say a prayer for you in the AM. Elijah sends his love (so does Caleb!)

  6. Marie you will certainly be in my thoughts and prayers! I have been putting off a knee replacement since last year. I know it has to be done, but circumstances at one time or another has kept me from doing so. I had one shot in my knee last June and feel fortunate enough to still be doing fairly well. I don't take pain pills either, and I know what you mean about using a grocery cart!!!
    Sounds like you have everything thought out.
    Hugz and prayers to you Marie.

  7. Marie I will be praying all goes well...as you said God is in control...this is what I am needing in both knees...I know of this pain...unfortunately I am not a candidate for surgery unless,I can manage somehow to lose a lot of weight...I have a friend who just recently went through hip replacement surgery and did wonderfully by the grace of God....I am trusting God will do the same for your knee replacement....

    Father God,I ask that you be with Marie and her family as she goes in for this surgery on her knee...I pray that you guide the hands of the surgeons,that all goes well,asking that you grant her little pain and a quick recovery in the precious and holy name of you son Christ Jesus...thy will be done....Amen

  8. Hey Sweetie. I'm thinking of you and saying prayers this morning. Trusting in the Lord that all went well with your surgery.

    Love...Tracy :)

  9. I know you will do fine. I had a hip replacement and though tough at first, it was the right thing to do.
    Waiting to hear from you after the surgery.

  10. New things are always hard to go through. I'll say a prayer that your mind will be at ease beforehand, the surgery will go smoothly and the recovery will be quick and easy. I'm sure you'll be running around with the kids in no time. :-)

  11. Dear Friend, sending prayers for a swift recovery your way! I have a friend who had double knees replaced and she does GREAT!!!! So hang in there and pretty soon you will be Power Shopping with NO cart to lean on, just to fill up with goodies!
    Hugs and love being sent to you,

  12. Marie,

    Prayers going up for you! I'm sure you'll be up and around before you know it. The Lord is with you - never forget it.

    Debbie in KY

  13. Hi Marie...so glad I read this today so I can be in prayer for you tonight & tomorrow! It will be sooo good to have the surgery behind you at this time tomorrow! & glad your hubby can take good care of ya! Thinking of you!!!

    Oh & that sign totally made me smile :)

  14. You are definitely in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing you well tomorrow and hoping for a speedy recovery.

  15. Good afternoon, Marie,
    I will pray for you and your doctors. It's normal to feel a little anxious, but I'm sure you are in good hands. We will be watching and waiting for you to return to blogland with an update.

    Take care, my friend. ~Natalie

  16. Marie, I'm sure you are in good hands, I know you are always in good spirit. I will have you in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow and on going. It is so hard to be the one to be taken care of, we women don't do that well at all...do we?


  17. You may not even see this note before your surgery but just know that the prayers of many will be prayed for you and your Doctor. May you be comforted in the knowledge that the greatest healer of all will be near you always.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!