Thursday, March 10, 2011

An Update

Hello all!  It's Katie here, stopping by to give you a quick update on my mom.  Her surgery went smoothly and she came out of anesthesia fairly well, which is no small feat for her.  She'll be in the hospital recovering for the next few days and then will be home, actively working on physical therapy to get her knee back to normal.  Well, better than normal we hope!

Everything we've heard says the exercises after the surgery can be grueling, so we still covet your prayers for her.  Each and every one is appreciated! 


  1. Thanks for the good to hear all is well with my dear friend..praying for her speedy recovery...blessings

  2. Oh good, I was praying and wondering how it went and then I got on here and saw the update! I will keep praying for recovery and therapy! Love you mrs Marie!!!

  3. Have been thinking of her and so glad you posted an update. Will continue to pray for a speedy healing and therapy process.
    Blessings to you Marie~

  4. Oh! this is good NEWs! Now the work begins. Prayer lifted for strength and rest!

  5. I am happy that the news is good! I am saying a prayer for a speedy recovery. I imagine the exercises will be hard work but pay off in the end. I am a great believer in Physical therapy.

  6. Glad to hear it went well. Your mom is amazing, I have no doubt that by this time next year you girls won't be able to keep up with

  7. Thank you, Katie, for the up-date. Please send my love and prayers to your mom!

  8. Good News!! Tell your mom to be a good patient and get well soon!

  9. Thanks for the update Katie. Hi Marie...hang in there. These next weeks will be hard but so worth it in the end....spring and summer are coming and you want to be able to have fun adventures with your friends and play outside with your grandchildren.
    My prayers will continue...may God grant you restored health and complete healing.

  10. Thank you Katie for keeping us updated. Your Mom is such a sweetie! Let her know we are thinking of her and hope for a speedy recovery!

    Debbie K

  11. Thanks for the update Katie. I'll be thinking of your mom and wishing her well

  12. Hi Katie, I'm glad to hear that your Mom's surgery went well! I'll be thinking of her and hope for a fast recovery. Please give your Mom a hug from me!

  13. So good to hear, makes me happy-
    And I will pray for a quick recovery, for your mom, Katie-
    Hugs from Dorthe

  14. I'm so happy everything went well! Give you mom a hug from me (and from James too). :)

  15. I am so pleased to hear that the operation went well. Give her a big hug from me, please.

  16. That's what I've heard too...the grueling aspect of the recovery exercises...but from what I've seen in friends who have had this surgery...they are better than new afterwards!
    Here's to brave Marie for the strength to go through this!!!
    Hugs and blessings, Diane

  17. Oh my gosh, I thought it was an outpatient procedure and I didn't realize that Marie was in the hospital...sending best wishes and hugs for a speedy recovery!!!

  18. Hi Katie,
    Thank you for the update. I will most certainly add your sweet mom to my prayers. Her attitude is wonderful and that's half the battle.
    Mary Lou

  19. Hi, Katie and Marie,
    Thank you for the update. I hope all continues to go well and that you are back on your feet soon.

    Take care ~Natalie

  20. Glad to hear your Mom is doing well. I'm sure she'll be a real trooper through her rehab! Tell her we're all cheering for her super-quick recovery!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!