Monday, April 25, 2011

Moss and Acorns

I've been walking around in my backyard the past few days ~ it's not a very flat yard so it's the perfect place to work on my balance exercises for my knee therapy.   Our yard needs quite a bit of work ~ there's not a whole lot out there that I like right now.  But I did find a few things that make me smile.

I love the moss that grows between the bricks...I especially love it when it grows between the cracks in the mortar.  I like the little sticks that gathered on the brick path during the winter.  Seeing all the little acorn caps makes me smile. Watching the squirrels gather the acorns that used to be in them was a happy past time.  Pulling up dozens of miniature oak trees will be a happy past time too!  : )

We have two huge oak trees in our yard and we have acorns and their empty caps everywhere!
We've raked up leaves and acorns twice already.  It's time to rake once more...I'll definitely be keeping a pile of those acorns and their caps.  You never know when you might need them.


  1. Good evening, Marie,
    It's nice to finally get outside, isn't it?! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. ~Natalie

  2. I love moss growing in crevices and bricks too. And I know you will find a very creative use for those acorn tops.

    It is very warm here for the next few days. In the 80's. Just pulled the fans out of storage because it will get hot upstairs! I am not really ready for hot days. I am happy that I cleaned the fans before putting them away :) One less thing to do today.

  3. I love your photoes dear Marie, they are gorguesly showing the beauty of nature.
    A wonderful area to exercise for your knee.

  4. It's nice when you can get outside and see all the things that make you happy. I've got a ton of work to do in my yard. My husband wants to get a roller since our yard is so bumpy. He hates mowing it. You sound just like me saving the acorns and caps but you're right you never know when you might need them


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!