Wednesday, April 13, 2011

She Dressed Herself!

Penelope came to visit me last week.  Her mommy said that she picked out her own outfit before coming over.  Then she accessorized once she got to my house.  
Love the sunglasses and two headbands - see the pink one she's wearing backwards!  She has her lacy parasol and a little notebook and the pearl choker is the perfect touch.

I asked her what she had on her feet and she looked down and gave her foot a little kick so the bracelets made a jingly noise.  Then she said that she had sandals on.

Check out the baby Birkenstock socks!  I want some of those too!  Quite the fashionista ~ isn't she!!


  1. Too bad you weren't able to snap a photo when she was also holding the multi-colored clutch!

  2. Hi sweet ,
    She is wonderful-- My Mathilde loves to dress with all kind of "jewelry",too.
    So cute.
    Wish you a very lovely day, Marie.

  3. She is quite good at pulling an outfit together. She looks Marvelous :) All dressed up like that she looks like she is ready for a day on the town. Those socks are the coolest.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!