Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Family Fun

Last Saturday we spent the morning at Annie's Playground.  The whole bunch of us ~ the group up above plus Bill, his Dad and me.
I'm so blessed to have my children and grandchildren so close by.
Thanking God we’re a family!

We love because He first loved us.
 I JOHN 4:19 NIV


  1. Annie's Playground looks like a fun place! (check your link-it's not working) Who had more fun, the kidlets or the adults??? Charlie and Miles were here for the weekend and I'll write about it as soon as I catch my breath! LOL!

  2. Looks like you had a great time at Annie's playground. I didn't know I had a playground...lol

  3. I LOVE family times and we don't get them as often as I would like. My two older children live 2 and 3 hours away and you know how life just creeps in and whittles away the days, but we get together as often as we can.

    You have a beautiful family!!

  4. I know this was a fun time time for you...I love times such as these with my kids and grands as well...how wonderful that grandpa even joined you all....blessings
    Put you a little something in the mail today.

  5. Your family is the greatest ever! I'm so glad I get to share so many happy times with you. ~ Regina


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!