Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My Special Family

Day 3 of "Stop Complaining".

"Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky." Philippians 2:14-15

Do everything without grumbling....?!  Even at home with my family?!  That's a tough one. Home is sometimes the hardest place for me to be obedient to God with regard to grumbling and complaining.  I'm not sure why....maybe because I know they'll forgive my grumpiness.  But this week I've worked hard at praising God for all the blessings He's given me, because when your mouth is full of praise there's no room for complaining...not even at home.
Today I want to focus on my family and the wonderful blessing each of them is to me.   I praise God for blessing me with them and I thank Him for their physical and spiritual health.
I especially want to thank Him for my husband Bill. He's an extra-special man and today is his birthday!! (yes, yesterday was mine...convenient, isn't it!)

Happy Birthday Bill!
I love you!
My sticky note reminder for today is:

"God gave me a special family..."


  1. Congratulations with yiur husbond, dear Marie, I wish you both a happy day,
    your family photo is so sweet of all your precius members.

  2. Happy birthday to your dear husband! And... Happy birthday to you sweet Marie!

    You sure do have a handsome bunch of blessings :)

    Love to you all!

  3. What a great looking family! Beautiful smiles! You are most definitely have been blessed! :-)

  4. First of all...Happy Birthday Bill! more way we have a lot in common. David's and my birthdays are 2 days apart in January...he, of course, being much (2 yrs) older than me!
    You doing great with your not complaining plan...what will happen when this week is over? LOL!
    Have a wonderful joint celebration!!

  5. Your doing great with this Marie and the week is almost over. But I'm sure you'll continue way past that. Happy Birthday to your wonderful husband

  6. Your post made me smile today as I have been trying very hard to be less complaining too. It's not easy but something very worthwhile to work very hard at.

    Are you going to give it a try for another week when this one ends? It sounds like you are doing great!

    I am also trying real hard not to cuss. I don't do it very often but when I stub my toe I have been know to mutter something not so nice. If the words slip out before I know it, I immediately talk with God about it and ask for forgiveness.

    Hope your husband has a very Happy Birthday.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!