Friday, June 10, 2011

Some Summer Reading

I read this on Edie's blog ~ Life In Grace ~ and I thought it was a great schedule for me to follow.  Maybe you would like to as well.  The paragraph below is from Edie's post.  I'm not sure when she'll be sharing highlights each week...but it doesn't matter because her blog is great to visit anytime!  Browse around while you're there.

"My church is encouraging it’s members, kids and adults, to read the New Testament through this summer so I thought you might want to join us. The pastor will go over the scheduled reading each Sunday and I’ll give you the highlights. The girls and I plan to read it together in the mornings—it will usually end up being 2-3 chapters a day. Here’s the reading schedule if you’re interested."

"Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly."
Colossians 3:16

I can do this ~ how about you?!


  1. What a great idea! And very do-able!

    Have a lovely Friday, dear Marie!

  2. It's a great goal. I wish you luck!


  3. Hi Marie, yes, One can never get enough of God's word! I just received my beautiful treasures from you, Thank you so much, check out my blog, I'm not the best photographer, still learning! Blessings to you!

  4. Hi Marie! I came by way of Pam at Hummingbirds and Lace. Your blog is cute and I like your name! I am doing a bible study now that says revival comes when we are in the expect to be renewed! :-) Nice to meet you...would be delighted to have you drop by my place!

  5. well that's a great idea. Doesn't sound like it's too overwhelming either. A great schedule to follow

  6. What a great idea for the Summer!!
    I'm in LOOOVE with your darling laundry room, Marie. I especially love the apron used as a little curtain. : )
    Mary Lou


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!