Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Yard Sale

 We had a great yard sale again this year.
A nice chunk of money made and a whole lot of stuff gotten rid of!
Here's a little slide show of photos to give you an idea of what went on.

As you saw in the photos we gave out bottled water to anyone making a purchase.  We also gave them a little flyer inviting them back after 1:00 PM.  Everything left then was given away .... for free!  All we had to clean up were the empty tables and a couple small boxes that my husband took to Goodwill after the sale.
A job well done.  One that I'm really glad to be able to cross off my list!


  1. A great success! You and your sweet family worked really hard and had some fum doing it! I like the part about coming back afterward for an incentive to clear out everything. It is never fun to drag stuff back into the house.

    I wish I were there! I would have filled up my car and your pocket :) John and I have been sitting home Saturday mornings trying to stay from our favorite Garage Sales. It is too easy for me to spend and if I don't see it I won't want it. sigh...

  2. Congratulations on a successful day. I would love to have a yard sale but I just hate the thought of all that work :)
    If I lived near you I would have definitely gone to your yard sale

  3. Good for you! We recently downsized and have donated, had yard sales, etc. It's a good feeling to be finished with it all!

  4. WOOHOO! Your hard work paid off for you and the idea of giving stuff away in the afternoon was brilliant. Not much left for you to clean up. Yard Sales are a lot of work but I always enjoy chatting with complete strangers and of course being happy about the fact that they're buying my junk! Now relax for a while and put your feet up!

  5. Free stuff after 1:00 what an intriguing idea!!!

    So glad your sale went well, I always love seeing your family work together...seems like you have a special crew there :-)

  6. You really know how to do a garage sale! I'm glad it was such a success. It looks like it was a success because of all your prep work. Don't worry about your grass, no one here has green grass this year either.

    I love the new banner at the top. The bright colors are so pretty!

    Love ya, Tracy :)

  7. Congratulations of the well done-and well gone sale, Marie- wow it looked huge- I`m glad you earned some good money :)
    The water idea, is great-and so are the free stuff after....

  8. You just GOTTA love a good yard sale haul!!!! I'm so very glad you guys did so good! I need to have my own ~ but goodness, it's hot as ever here in GA right now! Maybe come October :) hugs and love, Dawn


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!